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28th of February

Plink... Wait, silence?

I look meekly up at the bed. The defibrillator paddles lay discarded and forgotten, tangled within the sheets, smoking ever so slightly. The machine hums ignorantly, standing ready for use even though it's served its purpose. I can't bring myself to look any higher...

'Nonsense' I think, and digging deep, I force myself to look up. The scene hits me like a train. The Professor is hugging his daughter tightly, his loud sobs echoing around the room. Alicia is leaning against the two, crying alongside her husband. They're facing away from me. I squat down, trying to hold myself together. The pain of my ankle is lost on me now. Surely she can't be dead, right? She's so young, of course she'll make it. She has to...

That's when I feel it. Cutting through my confused denial like a knife, it plunges deep into me. The feeling of being watched... I raise my gaze slowly, praying for a miracle, praying for no deceptions.

Through my tears, I watch her staring at me.
Her turbulent stormy eyes scan me, finally resting on my scar. Without a sound, she mouths something to me.

"You're the coolest, mr pwesident..."

Nothing needs to be said. I dash up onto the bed, wrapping my arms around Yuki and holding her tightly. She slowly returns the embrace. The Professor lets her go, but sits down next to Alicia, watching us.

"I knew you'd make it Yuki." I whisper to her. "You had me really worried..."

"I'm sowwy I scared you, mr pwesident." She mumbles hoarsely back. I let her go, and she struggles to stay upright.

"You're in really bad shape, little one." I tell her with a heavy hint of concern. "Professor, should we call the Ambulance?"

"That's just what I was thinking..." He smiles warily back, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He rings the paramedics from before, explaining the situation.

Suddenly, pains shoots up my arms. Yuki is digging her fingers into my forearms, staring wildly at me, almost fearfully. Her mouth is moving, but I can't hear anything.

"Yuki, you're hurting me. Ow, can you let go?" Damn, even so close to death, she's strong...

"I can see them everywhere, they're everywhere, they're all around me, they're waiting for me..." She moans. It sounds like a song, she's saying it in time to some internal tempo, but I can't place it. Her fingers clamp down harder and I wince.

"Yuki, come on. That's really hurting me..." I groan at her, and her strange song abruptly comes to an end. Her eyes focus on me for a second before she releases my arms and falls backwards, unconscious.

"Yuki!" Her parents scream in unison, and they begin to tend to her. I take my leave, quickly slipping from the room. That was like something from a freaking drama show, or a horror anime. Why the hell did it happen to me...?

That night, as I lay in bed, Daria curled up next to me, I reply the events of the last few days. Meeting the Professors family, being chased by the topless girls, Yuki disappearing, the wolf attack, finding Yuki, then her death and revival. A heavy feeling gathers in my chest, an ominous foreboding feeling. Hopefully nothing more happens that'll do harm to us.

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