Coincidental classmate

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23rd of February

"Mark, I can't wait until next period." I moan softly to my boyfriend.

He stares back me, incredulous. "Dare, I hope you realize that next period is history, and that we have an essay due soon. I'd much rather stay right here, in science." He says back.

"Yeah, but the history teacher is so cute, and the Professor here isn't." I tease him. He glares at me sideways.

"Keep talking like that and I'll..." He trails off, trying to seem menacing.

"And you'll what, Markus? What can you possibly do?" I breath into his ear, and he shivers slightly.

"MISS MAGNYS!" The Professor shouts at me, and I jump. "Leave Markus alone, you MyKittyGirl two get enough time alone after school, kindly keep the domestics out of my classroom." He states, and Markus and I burn with embarrassment.

"Now, class, I'd like you to welcome the newest member of our crew, Mia Totenriese." The Professor says, and the loud hatch on the door hisses. In steps a girl, about 5 and a half feet tall, wearing a short skirt and simple blouse. Before I can make out anymore details, Markus suddenly leaps up from his seat.

"Markus, what's wrong?" I ask, thankful of the fact that because we are now up the back, no one saw his movement but me.

"Look at her hair." He groans at me, staring profusely at our new classmate. she doesn't seem to have noticed him yet.

"What about it, it's just a braid." I state, beginning to worry.

"A blonde braid." Markus clarifies. "Remember, I told you that story. The intruder at the mall last night had a blonde braid, and now this girl is just joining us. I reckon it's a coincidence." He grimaces, and I notice that the new girl finally seen him, and is gazing back at him fearfully.

I tug on Markus shirt, and I bring him back down to his seat. He's thinking hard, and I can't seem to rouse him. With his head down in his hands, he manages to survive the rest of the class.

When the bell rings, I barely have time to sort my stuff before Markus is gone. He's dashed out the door, most likely after Mia. I drop my books, and rush out after him. I almost shriek when I find him towering over the new girl, who's cowering within his shadow.

"Where were you last night?" He snarls at her. His anger is attracting a cloud of by-standers. I walk over and grab him, hauling him away from Mia.

"Tell me where you were, or so help me." He yells, struggling against me. "You were at the mall last night, you ran from me and I shot you but you got away. I recognize your braid."

Mia touches her hair subconsciously. "I don't know what your talking about, I've been moving house for a week now, I've had no time to go to the mall, let alone at night." She says back, almost too stunned to be mad.

"Let me see your shoulder then, I hit you in the shoulder with my shot." Markus says, glaring back. I'm still holding him.

"Fine then, which shoulder was it meant to be?" She states, eager to prove her innocence. She begins to undo the top buttons on her blouse, and the collective male part of the audience holds their breath. I roll my eyes.

"It was your right." He says, and marches over to her. She pulls her blouse down, exposing her right shoulder. A white bra strap is visible, but unlike every other boy here, Markus is unfazed. I smile despite the situation.

"Well?" Mia demands, gazing over her shoulder at Markus.

"Uhh." He stutters, looking a bit pale. Suddenly, he grabs her face and turns her towards him. He stares her down, and she yells out in fright, but stares back at him.

A few seconds later, Markus lets her go. "I got it wrong, your not the one who broke in last night." He groans, muttering something about blue and green eyes under his breath. "Sorry." He adds after I glare at him.

The crowd starts moving away until it's just me, Markus and Mia left. Markus locks eyes with me, then just grunts, gets his stuff from the locker and moves back to class. His pride is damaged, I can tell.

"Is he always like that?" Mia asks, and I jolt slightly.

"No, not usually. I'm really sorry about him, he's..." I begin, but suddenly Heath sticks his head out the door.

"Come on ladies, class is in session, and if you don't get in here quick..." Heath begins, but Mia cuts him off.

"We'll be history. Good joke." She finishes Heath's line, laughing at his face. He looks like he's just been punched, he looks so stupid. I even start to laugh.

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