Gold and Silver

42 0 0


1st of February, 2014


"I wish they told us who'd be in our homeroom this year. Homeroom 11R doesn't seem much like a good class, on face value."

"Stop groaning Markus, it'll be fine. At least you're with me." My best mate Heath nudges me. "Maybe we'll get a class full of hot chicks."

"Keep dreaming, mate..." I chuckle. Me and Heath have been best mates for years, especially now after that Green debacle a few years ago... We push and shove our way through the crowd of students trying to find their own home rooms. Luckily, I'm so much taller than anyone else, me and Heath find our way with no trouble.

As we stand in front of the doorway, I start getting a bad feeling in my gut. The door to the classroom is made of gunmetal-grey steel, with a handle indented in a hole on one side of the door. A large metal plate has been bolted to the front of the door with the word VITRIFIED sprayed on it in a dark red paint. It's extremely out of place against the wooden doors of the other classrooms. The label overhead reads "Science Wing Hazards Storeroom." At least that explains the heavy door.

"Well mate, we're here. Say hello to classroom 11R, our secondary home for the rest of the school year." I say, trying to inject as much confidence into my voice as possible. It doesn't really work.

"Hello." Heath grins, and waves at the door. Cheeky sod. Even now he's pushing it and making jokes. I reach out and grab the door handle. It's really cold. Curiouser and curiouser. I push it down and the door swings open, and as I walk in, I get my first look at 11R.

We enter into a rather large room. I can certainly see why it was once a store room. Bar the main hall and some of the other special function rooms at school, this might have been the largest room on the premises. The walls are a utilitarian grey colour, as is the ceiling. After looking around a bit, we realize that no one is actually in the room. The bell mustn't have gone yet. As I slowly wander into the center of the room, Heath suddenly grabs my arm. I look down at him, and he points to one of the wall.

I didn't notice it before, but at one point in the wall, it sinks in and there's a door, indented in the wall. The only way Heath must've noticed it is when perspective came into play and the door frame began to cast a noticeable shadow on the door. The door is slightly ajar. An odd light emanates from beyond the door.

I creep over to it, feeling very out of place in this odd classroom. I get about halfway across the cavernous classroom when suddenly the door is flung open and a man in a biohazard suit wanders out, slamming the door behind him. The door beeps electronically.

The man stops dead in his tracks when he notices us staring at him. Slowly, he reaches up and twist the helmet on his suit sharply to the right, and pulls it off.

"Sorry lads, I was just setting up my new atomic clock, got it for my birthday from me sister a few days ago." The man says, obviously certain that we'd know all about that. This man, he's got that certain mad-scientist look to him, with the silver hair standing on end somewhat. But oddly enough, that's not the first thing I noticed.

"Mate, look at this guy's eyes."

I whisper to Heath when he walks up beside me. "He's got a golden one, and a silver one. That's so weird..."

"What, really? A gold eye and a silver eye? That's so cool, you mean?" Heath looks slightly stunned. He begins to approach the guy, who's fussing over the electronic lock on the door he just came out of, when suddenly the bell rings out over the tannoy. The man stands up bolt-straight.

"Oh crud, the start of year assembly. We're gonna miss it." He exclaims and takes off, leaving us in his dust. Me and Heath look at each other, drop our bags and dash off after him.

"Sir, wait up!" Heath yells out after him, and we manage to catch up. He's pretty fast for a seemingly old guy. "Sir, why all the rush, it's only an assembly."

"I'm new here, I don't wanna be fired on my first day for not being on time for my formal introduction. Oh, I'm Cameron Repeatro by the way." He says, and grins at me.

This'll be fun...

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