The new neighbours

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24th of February

"So Marky-baby, what's on your agenda tonight?" Heath asks me jokingly. I look around, the street is deserted as we walk home.

"I was gonna go over to Daria's for dinner, then do some study with her." I reply nonchalantly.

"Aww, dude, come on. It's only the start of the year and you're already worried about studying? What's wrong with you?" Heath gasps mockingly, and I resist the urge to give him a good smack round the head.

"What can I say, gotta do this stuff earlier instead of waiting for the last minute." I reply, and continue walking.

Suddenly, a loud yell goes up behind me, and I'm suddenly jumped upon from behind. I stumble, but manage to regain my balance. I try to shake my attacker, but they won't let go. Suddenly, a pair of bright green eyes are staring at me, upside down. A large blond braid swings with the movement.

"What the hell?" I demand, recognizing my assailant. "Mia, what are you doing?"

"Looks like someone's got a thing for you, Markus." Heath quips, and lets off a mad laugh. I nearly belt him, but I don't. That jerk, honestly.

"Don't worry big boy, I just got tired walking home and I saw you guys up ahead, so I thought you could carry me." She replies, grinning wildly at me. It looks odd because to me, she's inverted.

"Why me though? Why not attack Heath instead?" I ask. My legs quiver, and I have to reposition Mia on my back to stop from collapsing.

"Your so tall, I thought it'd be a good view from on your back, you know?" She responds, and returns to sitting straight. I shift again, groaning. Heath is having a damn good time, laughing to himself. "It is a good view though, so high and mighty up here."

"Yep, that's Marky, high and mighty Marky." Heath is seriously trying very hard to not lose what composure he has left. His face is red, and he's shaking.

"What's wrong with you?" Mia asks him, sounding concerned.

"Oh nothing, it's just that you've only known him for a day and he's giving you piggy-back rides, yet he still gets embarrassed being affectionate to Daria in public sometimes." Heath snorts, and finally releases the laugh he's been suppressing. Eventually, he's just rolling around on the sidewalk, being an embarrassment.

My face flushes. He has no right telling Mia about all this, and it really isn't all that funny. I lash out at him with a kick, but I didn't compensate for my increased weight, and instead end up falling over. Mia screams on the way down.

I groan from the pavement, glaring up at Heath's inverted face with a mix of hate and amusement. On my back, I don't recognize his smug smirk until I realize that Mia is draped over me in a rather compromising position. She looks up at me, and I try very hard to smile and defuse the tension in the air. I musta turned over in midair, and she just came down on top of me. Damn...

I get up quickly off the ground, and extend my hand to Mia to help her up, which she accepts slowly. We pick up our stuff, and begin walking home again in silence. Both Mia and I are blushing hard, and Heath is still having a grand old time laughing at me, and by extension, Mia.

We turn into our street, and I suddenly realize that I don't know where Mia lives. Must be close, she hasn't turned off our path yet. Me and Heath live on the same street, we are practically neighbors. I decide to ask her.

"Mia, do you live around here? I mean, if you don't then why follow us?" I ask her, and Heath leans in to hear the answer. Mia looks at me, then turns and points to a large brick house. "I'm there now." She mumbles.

I deadpan, and Heath gasps. Both of us have just become friends with the new neighbors, the new owner of the house that stands between our two. "Do you really live there?" Heath asks excitedly.

"Yes, with my Grandpa, Grandma and my Daddy. My mum died when I was young, and dad had to take care of me." She says with a small smile. Her eyes, however, tell a different emotional story than the one she's showing outwardly.

"Hey, you didn't need to tell us that straight away, you know." I say, shaking my head.

"Yeah, it's alright, you shoulda told us when you're ready, that's some heavy stuff." Heath agrees, looking at her sadly. He's very good at empathizing with people who hurt inside, though he doesn't seem it.

"Mia, where have you been? We were getting worried." A booming voice calls from the brick house. Heath and I stand bolt upright, because that voice is too familiar to be good.

"Oh grandpa, please don't worry about me. I'm a big girl now." Mia pouts at her grandfather while me and Heath build up the courage to turn around. When we do, our worst fears are realized.

"Well I'm not worrying about you, sweety, it's your poor father. He sent me out to watch for you, how mean of him." Principal Terminus says to her granddaughter, smiling. I've never seen him like that, he always seems so robotic and uptight. Now, seeing him here, smiling in casual clothes just chatting away, doesn't seem right at all.

He finally recognizes us, and his brow furrows. "Mia, what are these two troublemakers doing here? Don't tell me you've invited them over for dinner. It's good that you've made friends so soon, but seriously, these two?" He moans incredulously.

"Grandpa, Markus and Heath aren't that bad. They're great guys, honestly, and the best part is they are our next door neighbors now." Mia giggles. Principal Terminus just sighs.

"Oh well, I guess that can't be helped. It's tea time though, so don't make the goodbyes too long, ok? You'll see them most days you know..." The Principal groans, and wanders back into the house. As soon as he is out of sight, me and Heath let out a big exhalation. That was scary...

"Why didn't you tell us the top dog at school was your grandfather?" Heath demands, more shocked than angry.

"I didn't really think it was that important..." Mia trails off. Heath just stares at her with his jaw hanging open.

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