Laser tag

4 0 0

13th of April


The two girls turn around. I'm panting and heaving, having finally caught up to them. They look at me with barely concealed disgust, like I'm an insect and undeserving of their precious time. That pisses me off.

"What do you want?" The taller girl spits back. She has a really nice figure, hourglass, with long brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Mia's Wheel hangs loosely from her wrist.

"I need that bracelet back now." I wheeze in response, pointing at the Wheel. I'm trying to keep calm.

"You can't just demand it, it's not yours, scumbag." The other girl snaps at me. She's a bit thinner than her friend, but her twin blond ponytails and big brown eyes give her a different appeal. As she glares at me, I notice Ruby's Wheel suspended around her neck. My anger boils over.

"How dare you take what isn't yours, you witches! I'll teach you to steal someone else's stuff!" I roar, sprinting forward at them. The girls scream loudly and scatter, the taller one heading back towards school, and the cuter one towards the train station. I tail the latter.

"You took that necklace from Ruby Ozenkafen, didn't you? Give it back now!" I yell, pushing harder and harder to close the gap between us.

"Why would I do that? She's my friend!" The girl responds, vaulting a park bench. I leap the same bench three seconds later.

"Then why're you running? If you've got nothing to hide, you'd stop running." I yell between pants. I've got not stamina left, she'll outrun me. I lean down to put a last ditch sprint in when suddenly, my foot is taken out from beneath me and I yelp, tumbling down to the ground. After a few rolls, I stop. My chest aches as my breath leaves me. I've failed.

A gunshot booms. I jolt as the harsh report slams my ears. I briefly panic, thinking that someone was shot, then I recognize the distinct bark in the report. Markus's Desert Eagle. I stand up slowly, wheezing heavily. My legs burn and my midriff feels like it's torn, but when I finally stand straight, I feel empowered, energized. I hobble off in the direction of the escaping girl. I reach the bottom of the hill, scanning around. A shadow sits in the bus stop. I creep around behind it, then lash out as fast as I can with my taser-blade.

The girl screams loudly as the electric field blade cleaves through her, falling bodily to the cement. I grin, leaning down, unhooking the necklace and snatching it up. It glows brightly, which I disregard as I put it in my pocket. One down, one to go.

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