Chapter 3: Escapade

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(Third Person's POV)

Thompson and Thomson arrived at the market and strolled through discretely, glancing and complimenting some of the items from the vendors to misinform any suspicious persons.

"Anything?" asked Thompson.

"Nothing," Thomson replied.

"Very well."

They removed their coats and tossed them aside, adjusting their hats and tapping their canes before walking more leisurely. They kept an eye out for Tintin but didn't search too intently since they were easily distracted by silly conversations and sales on hats and canes.

A few minutes went by, and soon the crowds began chattering in alarm. The officers stopped bickering and noticed. A time came when the two convicts who had kidnapped (Y/n) dashed past, knocking Thomson. His leg flew up, and his body fell to the ground as he dragged his companion with him.

"Wait! That's the men! The wanted convicts!" shouted Thomson.

"We must find Tintin!" answered Thompson, standing. "SEE HERE! HALT, YOU TWO!"

He grabbed Thomson by his necktie and yanked him to his feet, running. The force caused Thomson to run forward into Thompson, and they fell again. Allan and his partner Derral ignored, speeding towards the girl when they spotted her talking to the journalist.

Thompson stood once more and shouted.


The officers followed behind, warning aloud to Tintin in the distance, who had already noticed the two convicts and left with the girl.

The officers stopped when they lost the men's sight.

"They've vanished!" cried Thompson.

"Call the calvary- The navy!" Thomson added.

"We must get word to the police at once!"

"Yes! I- wait, but aren't we the police!"

"Oh- quite right. But that shouldn't stop us from sending in our recruits!"

"Excellent! Let's go get help. Heaven knows Tintin will need it!"


Tintin dashed with (Y/n) and Snowy onto the streets and exited the marketplace, eventually hiding behind the next block. (Y/n) panted and stood behind Tintin as he aimed his pistol at the criminals.

"How did they find you?" he asked her.

"They didn't find me; I was kidnapped from home by two other men and then pawned off to them," replied (Y/n), covering her ears at the gunshots.

Tintin fired once but missed. This didn't hinder Alan and Derral, who glared at them with anger and charged more determinedly. Tintin attempted to fire again, but his gun suddenly got jammed.

"Rats!" he exclaimed.

Tintin tugged (Y/n)'s forearm and led her and Snowy back down the abandoned road he met the doppelganger officers on earlier.

He pressed another question.

"Do you have any idea why they are after you?!"

"No!" exclaimed an exasperated (Y/n). "They wouldn't tell me anything besides that it was a favor for someone!"

Screeching tires stopped the group in their tracks. The convicts had dragged someone out from their car and stole it to catch up. They swerved around the block and parked parallel in front of (Y/n) and Tintin, trapping them in front of a building. Derral held up his gun out the car window, scaring away all the onlookers with the scene they caused.

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