Chapter 5: Library

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(Haddock's POV)

I was discussing with the realtor about the estate, rubbing my hands as I basked at its interior happily. Many fond memories flooded the gates of my heart. Never had I suspected that I'd be back there again, let alone own such an expensive abode. A sense of childhood joy returned. It was a great accomplishment. I had determined which room Tintin would stay in, as well as Nester, who'd be my butler and housekeeper from then on.

"Now, who do I speak to on behalf of fixing this place up to fit my criteria," I asked.

"Well, I can give you a few recommendations, although my brother is one of the best home decorators I can name... would you be willing to hire him to refurbish your new living space?" the man asked.

"Well, I suppose since you've been a good help, he will likely be able to give me what I'm wanting. So I'll let him have a chance." I gave the man a small pouch of my fortune proudly. "For you and for the lad who will be doin' the refurbishing... I'm fine with whatever he decides, but I have one special request."

The gentleman widened his eyes and basked at the golden dubloons inside the bag, grinning at me with a willing spirit.

"W-why- whatever you would like, Captain- Sir!"

"In the cellar, I want him to build me a secret underground bunker. You know, just to have a place for some of my..." I cleared my throat, "... 'possessions' if you can understand that."

He chuckled very enthusiastically.

"Of course! I'll have my brother start right away!" He dashed out the door but stopped to hand me my keys. "Oh, here you are... welcome to your new home!!"

As the man left, I smiled and tossed the keys in the air.

"Welcome indeed."

At that moment, I heard the sound of footsteps followed by a familiar voice.

"Sorry, I'm late. There was trouble downtown!" Tintin said, stepping in.

I spun around and grinned.

"Haha! Don't worry, lad. The estate is ours, and Nester is here to give us a well-needed orientation," I laughed, wrapping my arm around the lad. "Nestor, if you will."

"Of course, sir. Would you like me to show you to Mr. Tintin's room?"

"Excellent! Let's go!"

We ventured onward, eager as ever to explore our new estate. Nester took us to a room upstairs and showed us inside a formerly lavish bedroom- one I hardly remember to be honest- with white sheets and cobwebs covering the furnishings. I grinned and patted Tintin before headin' in. Snowy seemed just as impressed and hopped expectantly one of the covered sofas that sat betwixed the pillars.

"Will this do, sir?" asked Nester.

"I believe so," I answered proudly, smirking with sophistication. I put my hands behind my back gandered up at the dusty chandelier. "What do you think, Tintin?"

"It's great, Captain."

" 'Great?' " I turned to him. His face was inattentive. "What's on your mind?"

He snapped out of his thoughts and met my stare.

"It's Allan Thompson... he escaped from prison and was at the market this afternoon," he answered, frowning.

I raised my brows in utter repugnant. I hated Allan with all of my soul and resented the idea of ever crossing paths with that rat. He was my best mate, but after all those years of sailing the seas side by side, he tossed it all aside for the love of mutiny... despicable.

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