Chapter 18: Harp Strings

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(A/n): Hi guys!

Very sorry about the slow update... I won't give you excuses, but I'm just glad to see this story grow!

Anyway, have fun reading what's next for you!

(Third Person's POV)

The sun peaked. The few birds of the soon-coming spring chirped in the garden and sang a morning song. (Y/n), with her head on her arms in bed, was shaken from her sleep by the light of day and opened her eyes briefly just to see the sunshine for time confirmation.

Geez, it's morning, she thought, still tired and rolling back to her original position to sleep a while longer. She knew she needed to get up as soon as the sun rose, but she just didn't wanna. (Y/n) was rather tired (however well rested she was feeling all the same.) She'd get up eventually, she told her inner self, releasing a tired groan and huff like a pre-teen.

Then, after a few minutes of almost dosing off, there was a knock.

"Ugh-" (Y/n) twisted in annoyance; nevertheless, she decided after the second round to get up and go ahead and answer.

She rubbed the sleep away roughly and rolled out of bed. Once she had a robe on and a sunhat (just to hide her sleepy face) (Y/n) opened the door- slightly.

An older, tall waiter was waiting on the other side.

"Good morning, ma'am," he spoke, poised like a butler and speaking with an accent that reminded her of Nester.

(Y/n) felt comfortable enough to open the door more and peeked her head out.

"Yes?" she asked confusedly.

"I have been sent to escort you, Ma'am, at the request of your fellow friends, down there in the hall room where they plan on preparing for your departure this morning." He briefly looked me up and down. "I deduce you need a moment to make up before we head down?"

(Y/n) rounded her eyes up to her hat and down to her robe before giving a goofy lip line and nodding.

"Yeah, just... give me a minute," and with that, she slowly shut the door.

"Mmmm..." (Y/n) moaned to herself, rubbing her face again before looking out the big window opposite to her. "Okay, I guess I'm up now..."

Scrambling as to not keep the man waiting, (Y/n) hurried to tame her hair into an updo of her choosing and then put on the simplest, most mobile outfit she could find in her armoire, whether it be dress or trousers was her issue. However, after some great deliberation, (Y/n) made her choice and then scanned her face in the mirror after brushing her teeth.

With a shrug, she opened the door again with a nicer smile.

"Hi again," (Y/n) said to the man.

"Just follow me, ma'am."

The girl nodded and walked promptly behind the waiter as he took her around an unfamiliar corner. The man walked and acted like a butler with mannerisms, and it reminded her more and more of Nester every second.

"This way, down the hall," the waiter said with monotone, round a corner that was actually an open door where an elongated space with huge windows on its left was residing.

The hall room was filled with aesthetically pleasing art and statues along the walls but empty overall besides the long table at the end which connected to a small kitchen set for private events. At the far end near the table was the group of guys (Y/n) knew and liked, standing in a rough circle. At once, they turned to look at the incomer, and at last, the preparation was in session.

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