Chapter 9: Sabotage

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(Third Person's POV)

SsHcCkKcHsCkChScCkQqQkQkQk ShQeEe!

"Keep low- SsHhSqCkCk- don't let anyone see you!"

The two listened as they snapped pairs of bolt cutters on the cables and wires.

"When your done, head to the dock! It's time to collect..."

A small alarm began beeping as the cables were cut. The taller grabbed the device and tore it off before they dashed away from the scene, mistakenly missing one significant cord.

The man on the other line clicked a button on his radio end and rubbed his gloved hands together, sighing at the muted symphony being played in his luxurious abode.

His counterpart, hands behind his back, stepped closer and spoke with a smooth, young, and confident purr.

"Do you think she is capable?" he asked, so very mysterious in nature.

The former clasped his hands tightly before shaking a light finger.

"Well, Tiberius thought so, didn't he?" His voice was smooth and confident as the other but more mature, with a hint of a practiced jolliness.

He snickered sophisticatedly and stepped towards a desk. A blade, slim and glistening with an eerie beauty, was taken in his hands to be caressed.

"And what of the reporter? He's yet to fail in such tasks he's countlessly carried on himself. It's always in the papers if you remember," added the younger collectively.

"Yes! I remember!" answered the former with aggression, gripping the blade in animalistic rage, which soon died into a more collective state as before, yet still angry. "But... we have many, many options for taking care of this... dilemma. I will not wait any longer for my rights as a royal!" He speared the blade into a recent news article of Tintin's sea adventure, piercing the image of an aloof Professor Calculus. "So let's start off by seeing how this reporter can handle losing a couple of his friends...."


(Your POV)


Ring! Ring!

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Zzz- h-hm?

I blinked. Stretching one arm, I rubbed my face tiredly to wipe away the sleep. I was glad to find that I'd slept well and felt refreshed instead of groggy.

The ringing continued. I stood out of my bed and stretched my legs as I walked out and into the living room.

Ring! Ring! Ring! Ri-

"Hello?" I answered, scratching my head and feeling the overwhelming fuzziness of my hair.

'Bleh! I must have tossed and turned all night long!' I thought, playing with a frayed strand and pouting. 'It even came out of its bun!'

"Miss (Y/n)! This is Thomson! Have you spoken with Tintin yet?" the caller responded.

I smirked.

"Hi, there, Thomson! No, I just woke up. Why do you ask?"

"We made contact with your uncle early this morning! Mr. Finn, if I'm not mistaken?"


"Well then, you can expect him to arrive shortly!"

Inaudible chattering reached my ears. I furrowed my eyebrows and spun around to find the source, leaving Thomson to talk over the phone in my absence. I dragged the cord with me as I followed the sound. Eventually, I stepped near the open window of the living room.

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