Chapter 8: Coordinates

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(A/N): Hi all!

Sorry I took a while to write this. I needed a break cuz writing can use a lot of brain power, depending on the chapter! I hope you are liking this so far! I'm honestly excited for the sequel they've promised to the movie! Hopefully they have it soon!🤞

Feel free to comment questions or constructive criticism, I also respond whenever needed!

Now, let's see what happens next!

(Third Person's POV)

Tintin casually moved his way downtown to the Marlinspike Hall once again. By then, the grey sky had beamed with sunlight as it did the day before, warming the city. When Tintin arrived, there was a lot of commotion with the renovations that Haddock had inquired about. Workers swarmed the hall with high motivation (likely because of the lovely bits of gold they were being paid with), and the estate was already in fine progress.

The journalist sleuth strolled his way past the crew, having to bend under poles as well as stay away from hazardous machinery. He walked inside, and Captain Haddock was talking to Nestor with an expensive red jockey suit on.

As Nester stepped away, the Captain noticed Tintin and grinned broadly.

"Ah! Hello, there, Tintin! Come to listen to the sweet sound of productivity?" he chirped.

"It looks fantastic, Captain!" Tintin said, shaking his hand.

"Indeed. Now, what say we take a stroll through the garden, eh?"

The Captain led the boy out the front door, and they leisured through the path. The garden was entirely remodeled by that hour. A couple of gardeners tended to the plants calmly, which seemed to relax them. Tintin and Haddock smelled the wonderful aroma from the lilies and roses. Instantly, their spirits were uplifted, regardless of the winter breeze.

"They did well with the garden, Captain!" Tintin complimented, resting his hands behind his back.

"That they did, lad! So, tell me, what have you uncovered so far with this new case of yours?" Haddock asked.

"Well, it seems that (Y/n)'s ancestors might have been involved with some sort of item that Allan's leader is after. But, we do not know for sure."

"What sort of 'item'?"

"There's a story about a wealthy family who owned something of great value and power, that they hid it somewhere to keep it away from the wrong hands. I don't know what it is, but only a true Cornelius lineage will be able to access it."

"So you figure that Miss (L/n) is that lineage?" asked the Captain.

Tintin tapped his lips in thought.

"I don't know-"

"There, sir..." Nester called.

The companions turned around to see Haddock's butler stepping gracefully towards them. He carried a large tray with a small glass in the middle. The Captain grabbed it sophisticatedly, confusing Tintin.

"Thank you, Nester," Haddock replied.

Tintin gazed at him oddly. Haddock took up the monocle and held it over his right eye.

"Perfect! You may be excused."

Nester tipped his head and walked away, and the two continued on the path.

"I almost forgot to mention... some criminals had escaped the Belgian Penitentiary last night... including Allan Thompson," Tintin added.

The Captain's monocle popped and fell into a nearby fountain.

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