Chapter 2: Trouble In The Flea Market

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(A/n): Hope you like it!!😁

(N): Nationality- e.g., American, Venezuelan, or- if you wish- even along the lines of Texan, Parisian, Belgian, etc.

(Third Person's POV)

It seemed like an eternity before the poor female victim was able to shake away the sleep in her eyes. They had arrived in someplace foreign to (Y/n) by what appeared to be a seaplane. When she looked out the window at the dock, her stomach churned at the sight of such a different environment.

"Finally, we made it. Get her up!"

"Right. Wakey Mis- oh! Looks like she already is!"

"Well, take the ropes off her, and let's hand her over to Al!"

She glanced fearfully at them before yelping by their force. They pulled her upright, ripped off the gag and ropes around her wrists, then yanked her out of the plane. (Y/n) squinted her eyes when the sunlight hit her face, biting her lip in anguish that such a beautiful day could be ruined.

"Now, keep your mouth shut! We didn't drag you here to take you sightseeing!" one of the kidnappers told her.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes and looked into the distance.

"... well ain't that dandy..." she muttered sarcastically and bitterly.

The men didn't understand her.

"What?" they questioned.

(Y/n) slowly turned to face their revolting gaze and glared deep into their eyes. Unable to contain herself, she raised her voice in agitation.


"Hey! I see them by the lampost..." interrupted one.

The other followed his gaze and nodded.

"Let's get a move on then. Come, move along!" he replied, towing her to the streets.

(Y/n) kept silent for her safety but put a deep scowl across her face. After all, she had nothing to smile about. Some random men jumped her and flew her to some unknown city without leaking the slightest information. Maybe it was best, (Y/n) thought, that she didn't know what was coming to her yet. That way, she could set her mind on the way to try and escape without worrying over her fate.

They didn't walk far, only down the street to a corner where two other men waited. They had been smoking pipes while reading a newspaper, but it was all a gag to keep a low profile. Soon they pawned (Y/n) off like a soccer ball in their hands. The four exchanged unknown gestures then dragged her down an abandoned road.

(Y/n) stomach churned with fear, but she tried to be brave. She couldn't help but notice that each man had a strange marking on their left wrist. (Y/n) guessed it was to prove that they were a part of the same clan. She'd make sure to remember that.

There were a couple of other eerie creeps that lurked in the alleys of the road they were on. (Y/n) tried not to make eye contact after one laughed at her fear in amusement. She focused on pacing her breath in hopes it'd calm her beating heart down a little.

Eventually, the trio made their way into the heart of the city, which was busy with the town's people celebrating the sunshine. Nobody suspected a thing from the men, although a couple of families eyed the two captors before minding their own business. (Y/n) tried giving a few pleading looks to the bystanders, but they didn't seem to understand. This discouraged her, convincing (Y/n) that she would have to save herself from the men rather than depending on someone's intervention. However, she refused to give up hope.

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