Chapter 13: Frying Pan

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(Third Person's POV)


(Y/n) lifted her head off her palm with a gasp at the blares of the ferry horn. She had almost fallen asleep again, only out of boredom and stress. After her inconvenience on the top deck, the thugs had pulled her back to the same rackety shuttle and shut her inside it the rest of the way.

Finally, they had reached their destination. The girl yelped when an abrupt hand seized her unsuspecting forearm and yanked her out of the van again to be dragged elsewhere. (Y/n) by this time had lost most of the fear she had conjured up during the first few scares of being captured- which were the first ever in her withering life up until this point. (Y/n) shivered the slightest at the sudden cold she felt hit her when they stepped outside. The day had become night, and all the passengers initially on the ferry had already departed, more than likely to another location before (Y/n) was taken to- as it appears- a private island of some sort.

It was cold and dewy from the weather (Y/n) missed inside the tragic joyride. A hot breath of white steam exhaled from her due to the sudden drop of degree, which was fascinating as anyone would find it, but her mind wasn't fixed on such a pastime.

Her eyes rolled as the Australian, and his minion companions, led her by the arm away from the tiny dock and towards a strange set of small storage-looking buildings right nearby. (Y/n) tried to keep at pace with their fast speedwalking, but it's a bit of a struggle to jog if your right arm is forced up high over your head to allow a tall, menacing fiend to drag you around easier. At least the stroll itself was short, she thought.

They eventually stopped at the third building. The goon that towed (Y/n) opened the door and casually tossed her inside like a beanbag before shutting it. The girl fell on her knees but spun to look at the door, waiting for the sound of a lock click. Instead, however, she only heard mumbling from whatever crap the criminals were conspiring.

She clicked her teeth and rolled her eyes before standing idly and dusting her trousers off from the dirt. The shed was small. Three windows stared back at (Y/n) from her right, covering the entire wall of the makeshift building. She glanced at the moon. The dock was really quite pretty that night, but the tranquility of it was ruined by the reason she was even able to see it in the first place. Sighing drearily, (Y/n) caught her reflection, insecurely examined her appearance, and fixed some hair strands from her updo before taking a few steps away to look around.

There wasn't much in the room-a few old devices and tools but nothing significant. The items seemed about as useless as (Y/n) was deeming herself to be. She wished she knew what to do. Then, (Y/n) spotted it; a big computer thing that sat opposed to the windows. Was it what she thought it must be? Upon further inspection, (Y/n) felt her heart sing! Yes-yes, indeed it was! It was some sort of military signaling device! Finally, something useful... except... did it still run?

(Y/n) approached the device, bending over and gripping her knees as she blew the dust away. Coughing and sputtering, she stood upright a moment and swatted at the particles before kneeling before it. (Y/n)'s silver necklace pendant fell from hiding under her blouse and swung freely before the table. The girl remained undeterred and started quietly tinkering with different settings, levers, and buttons to try and get the machine turned on. She had lost hope after nothing worked and slammed her head disappointedly against the table, not bothering to even move from such a position.



(Y/n) lifted her head hesitantly. A strange hum rang out of the machine, proving it had started up. The girl smiled widely, realizing the bump was enough to jolt it back to life. Now she just needed to figure out how to use it.

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