Chapter 16: Busybodies and Apologies

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(A/n): Heyo!

Sorry I took a while again... tbh, it can be hard accurately portray Tintin's personality and determine his reactions towards specific events assuming he had a potential love interest so that's why it took me a long time to write.

Anyway, hope you like it and enjoy your next event with the adventurers!

(Third Person's POV)

Finally, they were out of the hands of the black market. Each member of the boat smiled and sighed with relief as the island became further from view. Home was only two hours away, and finding what secrets had been hidden in (Y/n)'s past would soon be the next move on the group's agenda!

Haddock gave a slight chuckle as he captained the yacht.

"Phew! So long, brood of bandits! Looks like smooth sailing from here on out, ha-HA!" he said aloud, adjusting his cap with confidence.

× Time Skip ×






The wind and waves combined as a team to annihilate the tiny vessel in the expansive sea. The water was choppier than ever- keeping everyone on their toes as they desperately attempted to drain out the water from the deck and keep from falling overboard. And if that wasn't enough, the hail which rained over the passengers was brutal, likely worse than when flying in the copter. The thunder was deafening. Lightning flashed at a blinding rate. Each member outside on the deck was soaked to the bone, except the sea captain who was busy navigating on the ship's bridge.

Those outside had removed their coats and outers to be more mobile while working. The rain poured on top of their mortal faces, diluting their sight and adding to the rolls that splashed inside the humble poacher's vessel.

"THE CRATES ARE TOO HEAVY-" a distressed Tintin shouted over the roaring wind, cowering when a sudden wave crashed over his already drenched form.

"TOSS THEM OVERBOARD, THEN!" Commanded Isaac Finn.

The men gathered around a heavy box full of poaching weapons and lifted it in the air. They struggled a bit, so (Y/n) ran up to them and helped carry a corner. Successfully, they threw it out, and (Y/n) dashed to the next box to toss.

"Come on!" she exclaimed.

"(Y/N)! You need to get inside and wait this out! IT'S RAINING HAIL FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!" Uncle Isaac commanded with a waving finger.

She ignored him.

"No! I'm fine!" the girl said, lifting an edge of the box off the ground.

Tintin noticed the incoming danger and widened his eyes.

"(Y/N)- (Y/N) MOVE!" Tintin yelled.

(Y/n) paused to look at him in confusion before hearing a strange noise grow louder above her. As she looked up, Tintin leaped and pushed her to the ground with a hand over her head. Both heard a thud and pushed up to see a large hailstone the size of a basketball sitting in the spot where (Y/n) had stood.

"GOOD GRIEF!" Finn remarked with agitated concern. "See what kind of danger you are getting yourself into?!"

Tintin stood and lifted his friend up by the hand, who was still in awe of the ice block that could have hit her.

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