➸ Nightmares ➸ Dean Winchester AU

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You cuddle up next to Dean after you put down your books that you studied for your last final tomorrow. You haven't been sleeping right since the beginning of final season started. Always drinking energy shakes and staying up till the crack of dawn.

You are currently enrolled on an online college to get your degree since you are always moving around a lot with Dean. Hotels are your home for a night or two whenever you take a break from the road. You know Dean feels sorry for not being able to give you a proper house to call home, and that he can't give you up either to give you that with someone else. Giving up Dean would cause heartbreak for you anyway. Sleeping with him in a warm bed at night is enough for you.

Dean comes home really late at night or early in the morning with his brother, Sam. They both work together doing supernatural investigations. Sam is an author for this supernatural book he is writing and together they work to find spooky stories around the country to investigate for his book. Dean doesn't mess with Sam's writing skills, but does the brute end of the work. He searches out spooky phenomenons, handles the equipment, and conducts the investigation when they reach the site. While they do all of that you're cooped up in a local hotel studying for you college courses until they are done.

Sometimes when Sam is having writers block he will come over to Dean and yours hotel room to help you with an essay or some studying. Dean was never a person for school work and he alway handed you over to Sam when you asked a question about your homework.

The clock next to your bed reads 00:00, earlier than you expected finish. You continue to snuggle into Dean's chest and his arms automatically wrap around your body. He smells of sweat and his cologne, with a hint of the sample size hotel shampoo they leave for you in the shower. You have grown used to his scent and feel at home when you cuddle up next to him.

Dean slightly twitches in his sleep and begins to move his body around. You have noticed that Dean has been secretive lately about the current investigation he's on and would wake up in the middle of the night with mountains of sweat on his face. He hasn't told you why yet, but you being his girlfriend you will be here for him when he is ready to.

Sam and Dean are doing an investigation on an old abandoned house that use to be a group of witches' home. These witches would perform blood sacrifices and curse the local commoners for the witch hysteria that was being picked up from the Salem witch trails. The locals were gathering up all the women they thought were witches and were killing they in horrible ways. The witches supposedly even stole a baby from the judge and his wife that were condemning the women and used it in their sacrifice to curse all his family to come.

Something that happened during the investigation must have spooked him into hiding it. Maybe once you move onto the next investigation he'll tell you what has happened. Or, you could make Sam tell you what has happened. You'll ask Sam about the status of what is happening tomorrow.

Dean begins thrash around in his sleep causing the bed to shake and the sheets to get all twisted around him. He calls out to things, but he's slurring over the words making it hard to make them out. You try to ease him back down, but he keeps thrashing around.

"No, stop it! Help! Help me, please! No!" Dean screams out to no one in particular and you know now he is having a nightmare. His eyes are still closed and sweat is beading on his face.

"Dean, baby, wake up. Dean, wake up!" You say soothingly at first, but then you start to yell at him after trying to gently waking him wasn't working. After you yell at Dean to wake up a second time he wakes up in a freight. His eyes pierce through the darkness surrounding you in a bright fear. His lips are parted and chapped. The blonde hair on his head is matted down his sweat.

"Oh, y/n. I'm so sorry for waking you up, did I wake you up? I'm sorry, babe, just go back to bed. I'm fine." He mutters to you with regretful green apple eyes, but they still hold a slight fear in them. Never have you ever seen fear in Dean Winchester's eyes ever.

"Come here, Dean. There's no reason to be sorry about waking me up. I was already up. It's okay, it was just a nightmare," you say and guide him to lay on your chest. He gently lays his head onto your warm chest and wraps his arms around your waist securely. "it was just a nightmare."

"I don't want to go back to sleep. I want to stay up with you." He whispers and a chocked cry comes out. You think you feel tears come out of his eyes, but it could just be the sweat.

"Hey, shush. Everything will be alright. I'll fight off your demons tonight." You sooth him with your voice. "Just go back to sleep, everything will be alright. I'll be the one who fights off the monsters tonight."

After a while Dean's heart slows down and his grip lightens. He slips back to sleep in a peaceful slumber with no nightmares. Soon after he is peacefully sleeping you too fall asleep in a dreamless sleep.

➸ 28 October 2018

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