➸ Pizza Delivery ➸ Gabriel

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Warning: Short, but smut filled.

You grab your phone from the couch cushion next to you and type in a specific 10 digit number. You hear it dial and you twirl your long y/h/c hair around your lanky finger. You fix your very small and tight fitting lingerie you've been dying to put on while mentally going over what you're going to speck into the phone. You lightly bite your lip in anticipation when the phone on the other side picks up, finally.

"Hello, is this Gabriel's pizzeria?" You start off with with a sexy British accent you know that drives Gabe wild.

"Y/n? Is that you?" Gabriel interrupts you with clear confusion in his heaven like voice, but you continue on with the charade and proceed with your important call to Gabriel's pizzeria.

"'Cause I'd like to order a big large pizza to go." You seductively speak into the phone. "With one hot sexy man on the side."

You can only hear Gabriel's hot breaths in the phone. You smirk, your plan has worked. "How long till the pizza is ready? I'm really hungry." You continue on with a small smirk playing on your painted red lips.

"Only five minutes. I'll make sure myself everything is extra hot for you." Gabriel says in a hot pant and then you hear a satisfying click of the phone call ending.

You get up off your little couch of the hotel room your rented for tonight, and for tonight only. Thinking of the luxurious room in front of you made you forget you forgot to tell Gabriel where to come. You giggle at your unintended pun and continue with your thoughts. You pause for a moment and remember he's an archangel, and can figure it out on his own. He is an angel after all.

You walk over to the large king size bed in the middle of the large spacious room and crawl onto it, waiting for Gabriel to appear at any second. You run your hands through your hair and think over what you've done. You have never done naughty things with Gabriel, your boyfriend of a few months, before. You've heard from one of your friends that guys like stuff like this, so after some time of thinking you decided to try it out. And it has worked.

You don't even wait another minute when you hear a knock on your hotel room's door. You smile a wide grin and get up off your comfy bed. You stride over to the wooden door separating you from Gabriel on the other side. You open the door slowly and prop yourself beside the door with only the lingerie on.

Gabriel stares at your face, but his gazes quickly slides down your body and doesn't come up to your face for at least a minute. You chuckle and his gaze whips back up and coughs into his hand. You stare at his pizza delivery outfit, so he did go with my idea and became a pizza delivery guy, and wait for him to say something.

"Here is the pizza you ordered, one big large pizza," He exhales and gives you a look full of lust. "and a hot sexy man on the side."

You try not to laugh at how hard it is for Gabe to not burst through the door and take you right there and now with that look of lust he is pouring on you. You open the door a little wider and lean against it, pushing your breasts out a little in the small lingerie.

"And how much would that be be?" You ask innocently and place your left hand onto your hip. Gabe doesn't give you an answer at first, but from a quick "ah-hum?" Gabe looks at you with a smile.

"No, free of charge. It's on the house. I hope you enjoy the pizza, and the side." He says in hot pants and it looks like Gabe will explode any second. You smile thankfully at him and take the pizza from his hands and take it into your hotel room. You kick the door behind you, but a foot stops it before it closes behind you. You place the pizza down onto a table and Gabe pounces on you once you turn around.

"How dare you prance around in this outfit of yours, y/n." Gabriel mutters and starts kissing your exposed neck. You moan out loud and grip onto Gabe's shoulders for support. Gabe starts kissing further down your neck and reaches your collar bone. To your surprise Gabe brings his mouth to your ear and slowly tugs on your earlobe. You groan through your clenched teeth and press your nails deeper into Gabe's shoulders.

"It's just downright punishable." Gabe whispers huskily into your ear and grips the side of your thighs tightly, to the point it's hurtful. Gabe kisses you deeply and captures your loud moaning. Gabe runs his large and soft hands down your body and lays them on your ass while he starts lifting you up.

You jump up and wrap your legs around Gabe's waist as he guides you over to the large bed in the middle of the room. Your back lands on the plush bed and your open mouth is met with Gabe's. You tug on Gabe's shirt and start lifting it up, wanting the damn thing off of him. He breaks the kiss for a second, takes his vest and shirt off, then he goes back to kissing you.

"And to think I brought actual pizza, such a waste." Gabe mutters as his hands roam all over your body, searing your body wherever it goes.

"Oh I'm sure we can put it to good use." You whisper into his ear and innocently swipe your hand over the growing bulge down below. He groans as you bite down on his earlobe and rub your hand over his bulge again. Gabe pushes you deeper into the mattress and starts to try and take off the lingerie around your figure.

"You have so much clothing on." Gabe complains about the lingerie you're wearing as he nips at your exposed breasts.

"No, you have too much clothing on." You shimmy his pants off and leave him in only his now tight boxers. And he must of taken his shoes and socks off sometime during everything. Gabe hovers above your body nipping and sucking all over your skin.

All of a sudden the door to the motel is burst open and your two brothers run in with each having a shotgun in hand. Their faces turn to anger to shock in a matter of seconds. You yell out an angry scream at them to leave right away.

"Sam! Dean! What are you doing here?! Leave, right now!" I yell at them as Gabe still hovers over my very exposed body. "And don't look at me!" Your whole body is a terrible shade of red.

"I'm sorry, muffin, but I got to go. Bye." Gabe quickly leaves angel style, leaving you on the bed humiliated, angry, and frustrated. You quickly pull the blankets over yourself and up to your chin.

"Sam, Dean, leave! Get out of here!" You lean against the headboard with the covers still up to your chin.

"We thought you were in trouble! You weren't answering your phone!" Dean bellows back at the wall in front of him. His neck is tinted red and so is Sam's, but worse. Sam's whole face is engulfed in embarrassment from what he saw and his view is only of the floor at his feet. Sam's way to flustered to try and mutter a single word out.

"Well I obviously wasn't in trouble." You moved your hands gesturing around the hotel room and it makes both their faces blush.

"Get dressed and meet us outside." Sam mutters and continues to stare at the ground as he walks out the door. Dean follows behind him and closes the door behind him. You plop down onto the bed and stare up at the blank ceiling.

Stupid brothers. You grumble and get out of bed.

not edited. Don't expect anything from me. Sorry.

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