➸ Angel Of Death ➸ Balthazar

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"Balthazar, please, I need to do my job." You plea with Balthazar as you look at the people dancing around you. They all dance with wide smiles spread across all of their faces as they dance with their partners. Music fills the cold and crisp air and light twinkles in their eyes. How little did they know of what is about to happen soon.

"You can do that later, dear." He says with a hypnotising smile on his youthful face while slowly coming closer to you with each step. You stand still as Balthazar walks towards you. "Will you dance with me?"

He bows at his waist with his head extends up to see your angelic face while extending his hand out to you. Balthazar is dressed up in a black bow tie and black suit to match like most of the other men on the large boat. You look down at his face of pure excitement and playfulness you couldn't say no to him. You take his hand gently with slight curiosity of his intentions and sigh knowing you have time until your job has to be done.

"Only one dance, Balthazar." You warn your fellow angel, but he just smiles back at you. Part of your y/h/c hair covers a part of your face from a slight breeze and Balthazar removes it by putting it behind your ear. You swat his hand away and make your words more stern. "Only one dance and then I have to do my job."

"Why of course, y/n. Can't keep those souls waiting forever now can we?" Balthazar says and you believe he didn't mean that with all of his heart. You let it pass without another thought because it's Balthazar. You both start dancing effortlessly with grace in each step.

"My job is very important, Balthazar. It is't a subject to make fun of." You are dressed in a flowing white dress and small white heels to match. You have to dress like the other passengers on the boat to look like you fit in with the era. It was all part of your job, you got use to it over the millenniums.

"Sorry, love, of course." He says soothingly with him lacing the words with his deep accent. He smiles down at you and you give him a small smile back.

You wrap your arms around his neck and he puts his hands on your waist. You allow yourself to relax and lay your head on his shoulder lightly. You take a deep breathe in and exhale a deep breathe out. You can hear his strong heart beat from his vessel's chest. You forget sometimes that angels aren't actually a human body filled with emotions and free will, but instead just use them as a vessel. You are so used to being in your vessel's body you call it your own now. You will probably be in this human's body till the end of time.

"How do you spend your time on earth, since you're all alone." You ask after swaying side to side for awhile. You knew about Balthazar's lie to all of heaven that he was died from the civil war in heaven eons ago, you remember that day very well. There was so many deaths that day yet you never rose Balthazar's soul to his own angel heaven. Balthazar, since then, had to trust you with this lie, it was a burden, but you never were really in heaven. You were always on earth either raising souls or spending your time with Balthazar.

"I mostly hang around drinking champagne and making deals with people." He whispers in your ear so no other passenger on the boat can hear you two's conversation, not like they could hear your conversation anyway.

"What kind of deals?" You ask in a low whisper while your head is still rested on his shoulder. You know Balthazar is a good friend and have been your friend, with an important secret, for years but you don't go snooping in his life. But not knowing what these deals are biting at you.

"Deals that your pretty little mind shouldn't worry about." He says in a song sound voice and starts dancing a little faster and wilder. You get dragged around and you plea to Balthazar to slow down.

"Balthazar," You say in a worrying tone as he swings you to around fast on the back deck of the ship. Balthazar exhales a long hot breath before laying his head on yours and slowing the both of you down.

"I'm sorry, y/n, I know we have been very good friends for millenniums, but there are somethings I have to keep to myself." Balthazar whispers into your y/h/c hair before kissing your head and holding the sides of your face. Emotions fill up your being, very unlike you. You calm yourself down and back away from Balthazar slowly and carefully.

"I'm sorry, but I have to do my job now. Goodbye Balthazar." Right on cue the ship hits the famous iceberg that will bring it down, sinking down into the cold waters to kill thousands of human lives. You turn around, leaving Balthazar behind without a second thought,  and walk to the front of the ship. Screams and shouts of women, child, men pierce the cold air. People run around frantically but you can still hear the music play loud in the background. You push your way pass the frantic people trying to go to the lifeboats. People give you crazy looks as you walk slowly to the very front of the sinking ship.

When you reach the top of the ship you look back to where you and Balthazar stood and he was gone. He probably wanted to leave before the ship sunk completely. You know your job would be finished in a matter of seconds. You will reap all of the lost souls from this horrible tragedy. You spread out your wings and begin to fly upwards towards the sky. Once you go to a certain height you begin whisper a chant in enochian. The higher you get you start to short the chant louder.

The ship is almost fully into the ocean is when you stop flying up. You are screaming the chant over all of the screams of the dying and those not knowing what is happening. You shout the last words of the and then there is silence. You have reaped the souls of the dead and the living shiver in the cold. You fad away from the scene and go to your next death to reap, but secretly your next mission is to figure out what Balthazar is doing. You go and fly away to Balthazar's place to try and figure out more if you can. You wish Balthazar would tell you what he is doing, but you know Balthazar wouldn't so you have to sneak around.

"Balthazar I thought we were good friends, but I think we have drifted apart."

I am so sorry guys but that ending sucked and I'm back and alive, not dead. I'm sorry for this really long rest period. I just lost my way and stuff but honestly I don't know when I'll post next. It could be in a couple days or weeks. I'm sorry for this but I'm busy with high school and I'm taking a lot of classes (& higher classes) and I want to do good to get into a good college (and one in general). It's ridiculous that I have to do really good in my teenagers years to get into college to decide what I do for the rest of my life. Like that is a lot of responsibly I'm not really ready for but okay. Sorry for the rant #notsorry. Till next update (hopefully soon) - Arie

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