➸ Finding Jared ➸ Jared Padalecki

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Warning: extreme cuteness will happen (:

Note: Jared isn't married to Gen and doesn't have kids (and omg their new baby is so cute!).

You arrive home from looking for your dog for hours with no luck. You're drenched to the bone and you can feel yourself getting sick from being out in the cold rain for so long. You stumble in through your door and throw the leash onto the floor. The deeper you walk into your apartment you throw off another piece of wet clothing. You quickly hop into the hot shower to try and warm yourself up. After a quick shower you get out and get dressed in a blink of an eye. Not a second later you are on your laptop making lost signs for your dog.

Your dog Jared is only a puppy really, he's one year old. You got him as a gift from your parents for living on your own, being successful, and independent. They said, "Now you don't have to be alone anymore. You have a best friend now to keep you company." Jared is a Golden Retriever and he is adorable, but trouble. He tore up a couch, your favourite and only cashmere sweater, and like thirty shoes. The dog just doesn't learn. You are one more chewed shoe away from sending him to obedience school. After tonight you just want him home.

When you got home from a horrible blind date set up by your means well best friend Jared was gone. You and the neighbour next to you have a balcony you share with nothing separating the individual sides because you are really good friends and share the space, not really caring. But that neighbour has moved out only a day ago and the new resident moved in today and probably left doors unlocked and opened. Jared can easily open doors with his nose and that's why all your doors are locked around your apartment. Jared probably walked through or pushed open a balcony door and walked out the front door.

You click print and 100 pages of a lost sign with a big picture of your dog Jared taking up the whole page. The picture brings tears to your eyes. The photo was from a Easter egg hunt at your sister's house you brought Jared to for your niece. Your niece is obsessed with your dog. She was being stilly and stole him from you when he was a little puppy until your sister found him and called you up. You let her babysit him when you got out for a long time so Jared won't be lonely.

You take the paper and place a couple around the building before calling it a night and laying in your bed. You check the time and see it's 3 am. You groan and place an alarm for six o'clock to try to put more posters up before the morning commute. You say a little prayer even though you aren't religious and pray for your dog to find shelter and make it through the night until you can find him. You quickly fall asleep in your warm comfy blankets minutes later.

You wake up to loud banging on your door and you jump out of your bed in fright. You quickly grab your phone to check the time and it's currently 5:20 am. You groan and rush to your door while the person continues to bang away, very loudly for five in the morning. You swing open the door with your lazy clothes on and a not pleased face as you stare at the person in front of you.

The person standing in front of you isn't someone you know but they do look familiar. But holy smokes is he tall, he can like reach the ceiling without going on his tippy toes. He looks like he's been in the rain and shudders his teeth a little from the cold. He smiles at you a little as he huddled into himself for warmth.

"Hi, I'm Jared Padalecki and I want to tell you that I found your dog like a block from here. I know it's really early in the morning, but I just got out of work. I'm also you new neighbor. Anyway, he ran away from me before I could get him because he looked scared and looks extremely cold." He says in a blubbering mess. Ah, so this is the neighbor that probably let your dog walk right out the front door.

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