➸ Studying ➸ Kevin Tran

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You look over your math textbook and sigh. You were in the library in the bunker with Kevin trying to study for your math test next week, and it's almost all of your grade. You rub your temples trying to relieve the headache from stress and thinking so hard. It would have been easier going on the hunt with Dean and Sam then study this shit.

You knew Kevin could help you with all of your studying but you don't want to bother him with since he was trying to translate the tablet. You sigh again and lean against the chair. You sit there daydreaming about the pros and cons on asking Kevin for help.

He has to translate the tablet for Dean and Sam to save the world. You don't want to bother him.

He can help you. You would finish studying faster with him. You could spend more time with him.

You blush as you think spending time with Kevin. You have had the longest crush on Kevin since you have been on that hunt with Dean and Sam. Once you looked into those warm chocolate brown eyes you fell. You fell for him so hard you swore you would of broke your heart.

You soon realise the pros are better than the cons as you look at the mental list you made. You look up at Kevin and force yourself to speak.

"Kevin." You call to him. He looks over at you with a tired stressed face.

"What's wrong, y/n?" He asks you and props his head on his hand.

"I was erm-wondering if you could um, help me with me studying my math." You stutter out and close your eyes. When he doesn't answer you back you peak open your right eye. When you open up your eye you see him smiling at you then you open up your other eye.

"Of course I would help you study, y/n." He leaves the tablet behind on the table and walks over to your table. He takes a seat beside you and you move a little to the right for him to be comfortable. "What are you studying?"

You sit there for a minute stunned that he was so openly willing to help you. You mean, you know Kevin is nice and is willing to help people but since he has to translate the tablet he wouldn't want to help you, you think as you look at the Asian boy in front of you.

"Um, I'm studying geometry." You finally breathe out and stop staring at him and look at your textbook. "And I just don't get it. Could you help me?"

He laughs and takes the book from you and place it in between the both of you.

"Okay, I'll help. How well do you think you know it?" He questions you as he skims over the pages of your math textbook.

You look at the page for geometry and all you see is words and shapes. You smile a tight smile at Kevin when you look back up at him.

"Um, like nothing." You say with a tight smile still on your face. He looks at you and laughs.

"Your lucky I was good with this. Okay we have a lot to go over. This will take awhile." He says and starts talking about the shapes and formulas while you internally groan on how you have to relearn everything from class.

After about an hour or more with Kevin studying you're both going at it. You aren't even listening anymore and are daydreaming when you'll be on your next hunt. Since you had this test next week Dean and Sam made you stay at the bunker and study instead of coming with them on the hunt.

You pout as you think about how unfair this is. Just because you have a test that is like almost all of your grade doesn't mean they should've left you behind. You squint your eyes and pucker out your lips and cross your arms.

Then you stare at Kevin to distract yourself from yourself. He is truly handsome with his dark hair and dark brown eyes. He is adorable when he is trying to explain math to you and how it works. He is always nice to you and tries to help you in anyway he can. He is one of the closet friend you had since you've meet the Winchesters.

"So that is how you figure out the circumference of a -, y/n?" Kevin asks you as you stare at the ceiling still thinking of him.

"Huh?" You ask then look at Kevin's face. "Oh yes yeah, that's the key to shapes and and... stuff."

"You haven't been listening have you?" He asks and you stare into his eyes and smile a fake cheesy smile.

"Nope. But I think I need a break for about fifty years. Come back to me when my time is up." You say and get up out of your seat just as Sam walks through the door.

"Hiya, Sammy" You smile with a wave and continue to the kitchen for water.

"Did you get any studying done?" He places down his bag on the ground and stands back up to look at you.

"Yup, plenty. So much I think I can ace anything." You make your way to the kitchen then burst out laughing. Ahh, I am so going to fail this test, you think as you grab a water bottle from the fridge.

Edited. First Kevin Preference.

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