➸ Making Sweets For Sweetie ➸ Gabriel

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You spray nonstick cooking spray on your molds and take out your other mold from the fridge. You lay the already made one on the counter top while you go back to your pan on the stove dissolving sugar. You start stirring the mixture around in the pan then you pick it up carefully trying not to spilling it. You pour the blue liquid into the pre-made mold.

You've been making lollipops for Gabe all day since you sent him away for earns. You gave him the weirdest items you could think of that would keep his butt outside of the apartment long enough for you to make him lollipops. You barely get to go outside for earns anymore anyway but you do work at the library down the street from your apartment.

You have already made 3 batches of the lollipops and there all different colours. Some are orange, others are red, the last batch was green and this one you are making now is blue.

You just hope Gabe stays out a little while longer so the molds can dry. You have also made butterscotch candies for yourself 'cause it's your favourite candy. You are in love with them but not as much as you are with Gabriel.

You take a butterscotch off a plate and put it into your mouth. You melt at its taste. It maybe even better than the ones you usually get at the store. You continue to eat your candy and grab the last lollipop batch and place it into the fridge.

You lay against the counter and you put your arms behind you on the counter. You lay your head back and your y/h/c hair starts to tickle your face. While the butterscotch begins to wilt away in your mouth you stand up and decide to make yourself tea.

You get the mug with water in it and the tea bag and place the cup with the tea bag in it into the microwave. You press the button with the 2 on it and it starts heating. As the cup of tea starts heating up you go back to focusing on your lollipops on the counter. You take the green lollipops out of the molds carefully trying not to break them.

Just as you take out the last one of the mold your tea is ready. You put the lollipop down and reach up for the microwave, you having trouble because of your height. You take your tea out of the microwave and bring your pot of sugar and spoon over to your cup. You place three scoops of sugar and start to stir it around till it satisfied your needs.

As you bring the sweeten tea to your mouth you look at the clock. It is two o'clock p.m. and Gabe left around eleven p.m.. You start to wonder how long it would take for Gabe to grab all of the weird things you put on the list. You think not that long but he is pretty bad at grocery shopping when you take him with you on Sunday's. You decide you have enough time and not to rush anything.

You take a sip of your tea and its a little to warm but that's how you like it. You look at the basket of the different colored lollipops and smile proudly at it. You actually cooked something without burning the house to the ground. You fix one bold blue wrapped ribbon bow and tilt it back into place.

After 10 minutes you decide that is enough cooling and take out the last batch of lollipops. You take out all six lollipops and place it into the basket. You stand back with your tea in hand and can't wait to surprise Gabe with this.

You start to move around but bump into something. You scold yourself for running into the wall and not learning to miss the wall after all these months of living here. But the wall was kind of soft for a wall you think as you look up.

You see Gabe smiling down at you and you smile back. You place you mug down on the counter and jump into Gabes arms.

"Hey Baby." Gabe coos at you and hugs you tight.

"Hey Sweetie." You beam at Gabe and kiss his cheek. "I have something to show you." You say as you get off of him.

"This better not be your way of making me eat broccoli y/n. Because I remember last time you tried and I didn't like it. You'll never make me eat it!" Gabe starts jabbering off about the time you tried to feed him his vegetables scratch that more like forced him to eat his vegetables.

"No Gabe, this is way better and actually the opposite." You say to your boyfriend and pick up the hidden basket of lollipops.

When you turn around with the basket in your hands you could practically see his eyes bulge out of his eyes. He had his hands on the basket and a lollipop in his mouth in seconds.

"Where did you get these?" Gabe asks. "They must of been a lot of money since they're so good." Gabe practically moans out the last sentence.

"Gabe, you charmer. I made them you silly." You laugh and kiss his cheek and pick back up your mug. "You like?"

"Like it?" He asks awed and misbelief in his voice and stares at you. "This is love y/n."

You laugh as Gabe literally pets the lollipop and you soon become scared for him. He does scare you sometimes with the things he does.

"Well thank you. I know I'm just amazing at lollipop making." You say that with a laugh and Gabe laughs with you.

"You betcha you're amazing at this. You should continuing making lollipops since your so good." He kisses the tops of your head and you can feel the stickiness from the lollipop.

"Maybe I will. But just for you since you're the best boyfriend ever." After you say that he comes over to you and hugs you tight. "You alright Sweetie?"

"Yeah, I'm alright Baby. I just noticed how much I don't ever want you to leave me."

"I love you too Gabe." And then you feel Gabe begin to eat the lollipop again and again you start to laugh.

Edited. Gabe Image! Send in requests!

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