➸ Tattoos & Piercings ➸ Winchester

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Dean's pov

I walk down y/n 's hallway to her apartment. Me and Sam haven't seen our sister since before I was dead and in hell. She left for collage like Sammy did to go to Harvard, both of them having the brains. Ever since she left Dad's and my protection we haven't heard from her. Other than getting a call from Bobby saying she said hi when she called him. She didn't even know about Dad dying let alone me going to hell.

She's always been distinct from being part of the family, like Sam. Maybe that's why she always went to him for help not me. And maybe because I don't do chick flick moments.

Well let's hope I can get my goody two shoes sister back.

Your pov

You dance around your small inky dinky apartment with the song Welcome To The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance playing through your playlist. You grab a wooden spoon from your kitchen and pretend you're playing a guitar. You start rocking out and begin to sing along.

"When I was a young boy,

My father took me into the city to see a marching band,

He said son when you grow up,

Will you be the savior of the broken, the beaten, and the damned!"

You sing in non-perfect harmony and you cringe as you hear yourself sing. You air guitar the rest of the next lyric line up and was about to sing again when a knock on your apartment door stops you. You walk over to your phone and stop the song. You put your dyed black hair in a quick ponytail and hope it's not your ex-boyfriend from down that hall.

"Wes! You little fucker! I said I won't fuck you for the English cheat sh-." You begin to yell at your door but when you open your apartment door your eyes grow wide. "You definitely aren't Wes." You murmur under your breath as you see a tall man with long brown hair and a smaller guy with green eyes while wearing a smirk on his freckled face.

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?" You ask them as you stare at them blankly. They both had a familiar vibe off them.

"I'm sorry. I was just trying to find my sister. We're sorry to bother you." The taller guy says and was about to retreat from your door but you feel like being a good person for once and help someone.

"Hey, what's her name? Maybe I can help?" You ask them and they nod almost like they are in-sync.

"Sure, her name is y/n Winchester. Do you know where she lives?" The one with Granny Smith apple eyes asks. Your eyes start to swell up with tears and your mouth drops open.

"Y/n Winchester?" The name rolls off your tongue. You haven't used your last name in ages for safety reasons.

"Yeah, have you seen h-." You cut off Sam and jump into their arms.

"Sam! Dean! Gosh I've missed you guys so much!" You say and hug Sammy around his waist hard. When he starts to hug you back you jump into Dean's arms. "I haven't seen you since- since a long time ago."

"Y/n?" Dean whispers to you. You nod and smile. "Where did my little goody two shoes go?" He asks and smiles at you while hugging you to death.

"What I like my black hair." You retort back with a huff and let go of Dean.

"Never said I didn't." Dean says and smirks. You just roll your eyes and smile when you turn around so he can't see. "Inside?" You offer them and they agree.

"It's not just that. You are totally different. No more dirty blonde hair, and these tattoos and piercings." Sam says and awes at you.

You look down at your outfit and it doesn't help. It is a muscle black Fall Out Boy tank top and you have black skin tight short shorts on. Your arms and legs are covered in tattoos and piercings. You have a lip ring, 4 ear lobes pierced, a nose ring, cartilage, a bar, hip piercings and belly button. You loved your tattoos too though. Some were cliché but had meaning in it. You have big black outlined wings on your back for representation that you can go wherever you want, you're free.

You have infinity signs, and arrows, but you have your anti-possession tattoo where Dean and Sam have theirs. You had the three birds Tris had in Divergent but four birds representing your family, Dean, Sam, Mom, and Dad. You also have henna tattoos.

"What your not going to say anything about the changes?" You ask them. "Got nothing to say about them?" You say in a defensive tone.

"No, y/n. It's just your not my little baby sister anymore." Dean says to you. "God damn it y/n. You grew up too fast."

Dean comes over to you and hugs you. You can see over his shoulder and see Sammy missing out on the hug. You move your hand motioning him to join in. He comes over and hugs you too. You sigh and hug back your older brothers.

"I'm sorry if I changed too much. I got something to show you though. It means a lot to me." You wait for them to let you go of the hug and you pull your collar down to show them the anti-possession tattoo and the black birds.

"What do they mean?" Sam asks as he stares at your birds. You look down at them and trace over them with your pointer ever so gently.

"They're you guys, mom and dad. So I've always have a part of you with me. And I got the anti-possession where you guys got yours. In memory of you guys I guess you could say." You finally say and look up to your brothers for acceptance. They finally look at you with a smile. Your smile brightens up and you hug them hard.

"Man, I've missed you guys. So, when do I become part of team Winchester again?" You ask them with a grin as they both sigh seeing how much information they have to tell you of the last few years.


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