Chapter 2

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I had just gotten out of art class and was making my way back to my new apartment. I had just moved in and still wasn't done unpacking yet. My mom had bought it for my 19th birthday.

When I got into my apartment, I was greeted by the cold air conditioning which made me shiver. I went to the kitchen to eat one of the cookies I had made the night before. I had made them right after the job interview that I had.

My phone began to ring with an unknown caller. I picked it up knowing I was expecting a call about the job.

"Hello, this is Richard Griffiths. I'm the project manager for the band 5 seconds of summer. Is this Ava Johnson?"
"Yes this is she," I said getting excited.
"Good, I just called to let you know that you got the job as the new art/merch designer! Congratulations!"
"Oh my gosh thank you some much! When do I start?"
"How about tomorrow at 8 am? You can come into the office and see where you'll be working and you can meet the guys."
"That sounds great, I can't wait."
"Okay see you then bye."
"Bye and thank you again."

As I hung up I got so excited I screamed. I couldn't wait till tomorrow. I had a job which meant I would be able to pay my rent this month. I didn't want to bother my new neighbors so I shut up and ran to my bedroom. I got up on my bed and started to jump around like crazy.

Then all these questions ran through my head. What was I gonna wear? Who were the "guys" I was now working for? What kind of music do they make? With all these questions I decided to stalk them.

I went to Google and Google them. After I did that I found each of their twitters DMed them hoping they would see it before tomorrow. Then went to Spotify and listened to their most recent album. Part of this job was getting to listen to their new albums first to help decide their merch.

After celebrating for a little and listening to their music I knew I had to tell someone. Since I had just moved here I hadn't made any friends yet so I just texted my family in the group chat.

Ava: Hey guys I have some good news!

Mom: What is it honey?

Gabe: Oh god it's her first week in Australia and she's already pregnant🤦‍♂️


Ava: Noooooooo I'm not pregnant!!! Shut up, Gabe!!

Mom: Well what's the news honey?

Ava: I got the job!!!!

Gabe: What job?

Dad: It doesn't matter what job since she's pregnant any job will be a good one. I hope shes not a stripper.

Mom: I dont need my baby dancing on a pole. And she's not pregnant Bill the news was she got a job.

Ava: Jesus dad!! No, my new job is I'm an art/merch designer for a band, 5 seconds of summer.

Gabe: Congrats! So what's your stripper name?!

Ava: Omg I'm so happy I moved away from you Gabe!

It was almost 7pm and I still hadn't had a full meal today other than the cookie I had after class and the cinnamon rolls my teacher brought us. I grabbed my car keys and decided to go get some fast food to celebrate.


Hello, okay so I didn't mean for this chapter to be so long but it was to me. I have been writing all the chapters ahead of time before publishing so when I do publish these I might not update for a while. School takes time away from updating too but it's almost over. When I do update I'll try to update 4 chapters at a time.

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