Chapter 13

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I hated the silence of my room. My house is always quiet, considering I live in a small apartment, but most of the time someone always had some music going. I was in no mood to watch or listen to anything, so I was just laying on my bed. I finally decided to text Ava. She always had the best ideas for me when I was bored.

To Sweet Pea: IM BORED HELP ME!!!

From Sweet Pea: Oh dear lord, I would facetime right now but I'm a little busy, so why don't you go over to Calum and Ashton's place?

To Sweet Pea: UGH!! Fine😩

I got up and grabbed my shoes and keys. Once I got in my car I just sat there for a while before finally leaving. Calum gave me a key to his place for "emergencies", but I was about to die of boredom so this seemed like an emergency. I pull out of the parking lot and drove over to the gas station to get Cal and Ash some treats so they don't yell at me.

After my drive over, I had to climb the 4 flights of stairs because their building manager is too stupid to fix the elevator. I grabbed my keys and opened their door. As soon as I stepped in I threw their bag of treats on the counter and made a run for the couch. I was stopped when Ashton tripped me.

"Oi! What are you doing here mate?" he asked me.

"I was bored and Ava said to come over here," I answered getting up from my spot on the floor.

"Well don't listen to Ava. Calum left an hour ago but should be back soon, what's in the bag?"

"Just some candy for you guys," I said going over and dumping it out.

"Sweet, well I'm leaving, but you can stay like I said Calum should be back soon. Oh and, just don't eat the brownies in the fridge their Calum's."

"Who puts brownies in the fridge?" I said to myself as Ashton walked out grabbing a box of candies.


I walked back over to my table with Luke sitting there with an angry face on. I had never seen him angry and it scared me.

"What's wrong?" I asked sitting down.

" I was just thinking about something that I need to do later. It's no big deal really," he said stuttering.

"Okay well I'm gonna go to the bathroom, why don't you go ahead out to the car and I'll meet you there?"

"Yeah, okay."

I picked up my stuff and headed toward the bathroom. There was a small line so I opened my phone to wait. The first thing I see when I open it isn't the Instagram posts I was looking at, but my messages with Michael that I didn't send. I was a little upset Luke pretended to be me, but looking at the messages it seemed okay. It was weird he didn't tell him the truth that I was with him.

When I got out to the car Luke handed me his phone and told me to pick the music. I settled on his playlist titled Eating Cheetos. It wasn't a bad playlist but did give you the feel of eating Cheetos, which was weird.

"Hey, while I was waiting in line I saw you texted Michael for me, why didn't you tell him that I was hanging out with you?" I looked over at Gina Dan saw his face drop and his cheeks go red.

"Oh two have been hanging out a lot and I didn't know if you were a I didn't want to...anger him?"

"Is that a question?" I asked like a mother.

"Well no..but maybe."

"No, we aren't dating, we're just good friends," I said noticing him release a sigh.

We talked a little more on the way to the beach cracking jokes back and forth making each other laugh. When we got there we took our shoes off, left them in the car, and headed down to the beach.


Calum walked in and we said our hellos. I threw some candy at him and he ran at me. After wrestling a bit he sat down on the couch and started watching tv with me. I pulled up Snapchat and sent out my streaks. I decided to snoop and pulled up the snap map.

Ash was at the store, my mom was at her house. All my other friends were scattered around the world. Going on tour you always meet fun new people. Luke always kept his location off since he never uses Snapchat. When I looked at Ava's location I noticed she was at the beach 10 minutes away. I stood up grabbed her some candy and said bye to Calum.

I got to my car and turned on some tunes. I had gone to this beach many times before and knew the way there by heart. I had taken so many special people there and hoped Ava would be happy to see me. It seemed a little odd that she was there alone. Maybe something was wrong. I started to panic a little and sped up. A few minutes later I arrived and saw Lukes's car.


It's been a long time since I worked on this story. I've been more into webtoon lately ngl and Lore Olympus has got some good shit. Anyways, my friend told me to check out one of her stories and then I remembered this story. I do think I'm gonna end it soon though because I have had an idea for a bigger/maybe better story(it involves doctor who and good omens ;) Anyways, hopefully, an ending coming soon!!

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