The Start

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"Woah did you hear!"
"What happened?"

"Hisashi Midoryia and Inko Midoryia announced their first kid that they had kept hidden from the public for the past 6 years!"

"They had a kid?! I knew they were married but I thought they were too busy for kids!"

"Well I guess not cause here he is!"

"News just in. Hisashi Midoryia, one of Japan's richest billionaires who owns multiple companies, and Inko Midoryia, also one of Japan's richest billionaire, reveal their first kid who they had kept concealed for the past 6 years!!

His name, Izuku Midoryia!"


"Remember dear, if anyone tries to mess with you at school today don't be afraid to fight back" Inko said as she fixed her son's hair.

"I know mom, but Kacchan has my back. Even if he didn't I'd still win in a fight against them" Izuku chuckled.

"Right sorry we aren't going to see you for a bit. Don't run too far off from your body guards. Don't give the maids too hard of time alright" Inko concluded as he backed away from her son.

She and Hisashi had another big important business meeting that required them to travel.

"I know mom.
Bye!" Izuku said as he waved them both off.

Once his parents were gone his innocent "I could never hurt anyone" smile vanished. His face became so easily cold.

"Oi you, give me my breakfast now" he ordered the maid.

"Yes sir" she said running off to get Midoryia some cereal.
"You, get me my outfit.
I need it for school" he hissed at another maid.

"Yes sir".

Midoryia marched to the sofa and sat down, waiting for everything to be ready for him.

School started at 8:30am and it was only 8.

The maids came back with the things he asked for.
"This isn't the breakfast I wanted but it'll do" he sighed as he ate the bowl of cereal.

"Here is your outfit sir".

"Put it next to me, I'm clearly eating" he said as he ate up.

She put the outfit down and walked away.

He lived in quite a big mansion. White Marble floor, bright ceiling lights, black sofas, white fluffy carpets, glass coffee tables, crystal chandeliers, and rooms upon rooms that he hardly used is what made up the mansion for the most part.

He finished off the cereal and got dressed into his outfit, a black t shirt and some jeans.

The drive to school took 20 minutes so he had to leave now.

His 2 body guards escorted him to his car, a limousine. Camera lights flashed him left and right as he drive through the town to get to his school.
When he made it there however there were just more paparazzi tailing him everywhere.

The class awed in excitement as they saw Midoryia walk in with the guards, who were pushing away the eager camera snapping people.

Bakugo was just waiting for his friend.

"Hey Kacchan" Midoryia sighed as he rubbed his eyes. The bright camera flashes were hurting his eyes.

"So your parents finally decided to reveal it huh?
I wonder when my parents will" Bakugo laughed.

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