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"He left.." Midoryia sighed as he walked into his torture room.
He found something on the floor and picked it up.

It was a note.

"Hello brother.
I know you and your class would storm my base after I released you and so I have returned to Japan.

This won't be the last of me, we'll definitely be fighting again, I hope you're stronger by then. I won't hold back, you're still on the heros side of course. Good luck." The note read.

"He left a note" Midoryia said, handing it to Aizawa.

I'll alert the heros that he's back in Japan.

We'll Investigate the base. Begin to search" Aizawa said.

Midoryia nodded his head and got to looking around the base but..

Everything was gone, any weapon, drug, etc.
All. Gone.

As Midoryia was searching his phone suddenly went off.
He pulled it out and read it.

"You won't find anything in that old base.
We took everything with us..

I'm keeping the secret about stain and Dabi safe but it doesn't mean I'm leaving you off the hook. I will end this era of heros and rule" tenko texted.

"Yeah yeah, good luck brother. I'm in control" Midoryia replied.

"Hey Midoryia who you texting?" Kirishima asked.

"It's a random scam number is all" Midoryia lied, putting his phone back in his pocket.

"Oh alright".

Midoryia looked around one final time and came to the conclusion shigaraki wasn't lying.

"We won't find anything. He took everything with him" Midoryia sighed.

"You sure? Maybe we'll find something" kirishima said.

"No I know him well, as a kid due to the fact he always had to keep his existence a secret he's always been good and never leaving anything in his tracks and that's without help.

We won't find anything" Midoryia concluded.

"He's right, I can't find a dang thing" Bakugo spat.

"So now what?" Kaminari asked.

"He's back in Japan. We're in america.
It'll be Japan's problem for a bit, at least.
Until we return. We'll continue to train here so that once we return to Japan we can take him down." Midoryia replied.

"I guess that's what we'll have to do...

Everyone back to the hotel, night fall will be soon" Aizawa concluded.

And so they all left the base.

Midoryia only had one thing on mind after all of that.

"Why didn't mom tell me about tenko...

And why did she switch up the way she treated me after they killed him..?" .

"Hey Midoryia you okay?" Kirishima asked as he noticed Midoryia staring off into space as he sat on the couch of the mainroom.

This would be a usual normal sight.
However it was 12am and Midoryia was randomly sitting in the mainroom.

The only reason kirishima was up was because he wanted a snack.

Not to mention all the lights were flicked off.
Midoryia was dozing off into space at 12am in the dark in the mainroom.

Eri was sound asleep.
Beside him.

Her head was rested on his lap.

Midoryia was broken out of his trance and turner to face kirishima.

"Oh it's you.
Sorry it's nothing" Midoryia sighed.

"It doesn't look like nothing.
Are you sure you're okay?"


"You sound unsure.
You need to vent?

I can listen for as long as you need" kirishima asked as he sat down diagonally from Midoryia on the couch to the left side.

Midoryia looked at him, he hadn't ever vented to anyone before.
He mostly bottled it up.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone what I tell you"




I'm just confused as to why my mom treated as if te- shigaraki was no one after they technically killed him...

Why they suddenly changed the way they treated me...

All these memories keep flooding in and I'm just realizing that...

I did NOT grow up in as much of a loving house hold as I THOUGHT I did...

I just..

Don't know how to feel anymore.." Midoryia said.

Kirishima just nodded his head and let Midoryia continue.

"I can hardly remember my brother but I know we used to play games.
But whenever we did my mother would cut us off immediately and throw me in my room to study...

I wasn't allowed to interact with him.

But why?..

And now that he's a villain I have to go against him, it's not like we can even have a proper family reunion.

It's not like we can make new better memories...

Because he's a villain..." Midoryia continued, pain obviously filling his words.

"From what it looks like to me you're conflicted between thoughts.

Villains are bad


Your brother isn't?

But ..

Your brother's a villain.

Then with your mom,

You always believed she treated you amazingly but then these new memories contradict that.

So you're basically confused" kirishima said.

"What would you do?"

"To be honest...

I don't know.

If it were up to me id probably try to figure out who's in the right and who's in the wrong and go on from there.

I'm not really a professional on these types of things. You should probably get a therapist" kirishima said

"Thanks for that kirishima.
I needed it...

Ya know if this hero thing" Midoryia paused, he carefully got up and lifted Eri and began to walk.

"Doesn't work you should become a therapist.

You'd still make a lot of money" Midoryia concluded, walking away.

Kirishima nodded his head and got back to doing what he was down there for, a snack.

Midoryia took Eri to her room and tucked her into bed before going to his own room and going to sleep as well.

Over the next month of being in America the class grew rapidly stronger.

In their free time they'd explore new york. They discovered a lot of new things.

Eventually it was time to return back to UA.

Midoryia had only 1 thing on mind.

"I am going to talk to mom about this and when I do I hope she comes clean...


I'll pay a visit to dear ole Tenko"

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