internship week

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Midoryia for dressed and met Hawks outside.

"Okay kid, I'm going to be waiting for you at ***** I want you to use your gear and make it over there as fast as possible.
That's what we're going to do for today's training" Hawks said.

"Am I even allowed to use this in public?" Midoryia asked.

"Yes. Yes you are." Hawks said flying off.

Midoryia let out a sigh.
He never used his gear in complex locations like these so he had no idea how he was going to do.

He grabbed his hand held grappling hook and shot it at the side of a building, going through the brick and holding on tight.

Midoryia was then sent flying with it, he used the momentum and grabbed onto the rooftop of the building, pulling himself up.

He could see a lot from his stand point.

He turned around and used his waist grappling hooks and went zooming around, building to building.
He was weary of cars and trucks that passed below him.

He thought he was doing well...

Until it came time to make a turn.

He slammed face first into a building wall and  hung by his waist in defeat.
Midoryia got down and began again, he could feel everyone silently judging him.

He again went flying, still trying to figure out how to turn but he just couldn't get a handle on it.

He had slammed into 10 building walls, his face was all busted up.

But he made it to where Hawks was waiting.

"Yikes it looks like you didn't have a good time.
Where are you struggling?" Hawks asked.

"I can't make turns with these things. I've tried but it's so hard" Midoryia whined.

"Well that's the point of the hand held grappling hook.
You're supposed to swing around straight with the waist ones and whenever a turn is coming, shoot out the third one and retract the others" hawks said.


"Well that did you THINK the third grappling hook was for???"

"When these 2 stop working for a stupid reason".

"Well it is but it's main purpose is to hell you turn.
I'm flying back to the agency.

Use what I just told you to help" hawks said flying off.

Midoryia wiped his blood nose and used his gear again, this time listening to what Hawks had said.

It had worked for the most part but...
Sometimes he'd send it out a little too late and get again crash into a wall.

But this time the casualties were low, only slamming into the wall 4 times total.

Well I think another issue is you don't have proper stability.
You need better balance.

Follow me" Hawks said.
Midoryia follower Hawks to the training room of the building.

"Shoot both the grappling hooks above your head to the side a bit and only retract it enough to be 5 feet off the ground" Hawks said.

Midoryia nodded his head and did just that but when he did...

He flipped and almost slammed his head into the ground.

"Exactly as I predicted.
You have no balance with this." Hawks chuckled.

"Well then how do I balance?" Midoryia asked as he held into the ropes and forced himself back up.

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