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Everyone jumped up in fear and went running, Midoryia did too. He didn't know what was going on and he wasn't willing to risk it.

Everyone was getting pushed around over and over through the small hall, trying to find an escape.
Midoryia was smudged into the window, there he saw a bunch of news reporters...
Not villains.

He let out an exhausted groan, what was going to get him out of this situation now.

Suddenly Iida slammed into the wall above the door frame.

"You all have to calm down!!?
. it's news reporters!!" Iida shouted.
The entire crowd trying to push past eachother suddenly stopped and looked out the windows.

Iida was right.
Relived sighs were heard as everyone began to disperse, going back to their original seats.
Midoryia walked back over and took a nap, right there right then.

Though it was a very short nap as lunch ended 10 minutes later but he was glad to have gotten that tint bit of rest.

The rest of the day was pretty chill.

The next day-

The class talked amongst themselves as they waited for the arrival of their teacher.

He eventually came in and they began their day.

"Okay class.
Today is also going to be different.
We're going to the USJ for rescue training" Aizawa said.

"USJ?" They all muttered.

"Oh my god more work??
I won't survive another day in this place" Midoryia cried.

"Yes so get into your hero outfits and meet me outside.
We're going on a field trip" Aizawa said as he walked out.

The class jumped with excitement as they quickly got into their hero outfits and ran to the bus.

An hour drive later and they finally arrive at the place.

They walked into the very dome like building and we're greater by another hero.

"Hey I'm 13! I'll be assisting today's class!"
The class nodded their heads in acknowledgement.

"Let's get through what we're doing today." Aizawa began.
"You'll all be going through a series of situations in which each environment is different than before. It gets progressively harder. Your job is to rescue the dummies we'll be placing".

"Hey look they even got fake villains for this awesome!" Kirishima cheered as he pointed down the stairs.

The 2 adults heros whipped their heads back, this wasn't apart of the plan.

"Stay back those are real villains, everyone begin to head towards the exit!" 13 instructed.

Everyone grew panicked and began to run, what were real villains doing here???

Midoryia began to run with the rest of them as well, he may be lazy and apathetic but he isn't stupid enough to be lazy enough to put himself in danger.

"I can't have you all escaping, after all that would ruin master's plan" a smoky figure chuckled as he engulfed the class in his smoke.

"Ugh I don't want to deal with this stuff. I'm out" Midoryia said as he walked over to the wall of the smoke like dome.

The class just stared at him dumbfounded, even Kurogiri did.
Midoryia went through the purple smoke but reappeared on the opposite side.

"Are you kidding me.
You, smoky figure.
How much can I pay you to leave us alone?" Midoryia groaned.

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