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"Hawks might suspect me, even though he trusts me he's a smart dude. He watched my reaction after stain killed dad. I'd be the only other person with enough conviction to kill him, that or higher someone else to do it...

To make it less obvious I'll have to kill someone from the league tonight, it'll throw him off. Why would I kill a league member after all, they didn't do anything to me specifically.

Hmm it's possible I'm looking too much into this, Hawks has a lot of trust into me as I'm his boss and Eri's dad.

He'd think I'd never really stoop to do something like this so even if the thought comes to mind he'll likely deny it" Midoryia thought to himself.

"You okay? You went silent" Mirio asked, breaking Midoryia out of his thoughts.

"I'm fine, just trying to figure this case out.
It's the hardest I've ever had so far" Midoryia replied.

"Hm makes sense".

They continued their walk and made it back to UA.

They Saturday went as it usually would, Midoryia chilled in the dorm as did everyone else.

But then night fall came.

Midoryia did what he did the previous night, locked his door got into the outfit and waited for the 3am hour.


Dabi was walking through the forest. He knew what he had to do but he didn't know how he would.

He was also a tad bit worried...
"If he's out to kill us and he already managed to kill stain who will be next?
It could be me or toga.
Or shigaraki even.

Stain's quirk wasn't strong to begin with maybe that's way it was so easy for him" he thought to himself.

It was a cold night, fall was already around the corner. Leaves, mud, and branches crunches beneath Dabi's feet as he trecked through the forest.

He wasn't too worried about other people.
He was heading for his cabin, its where he lived.

A cool night breeze flew by sending chills down Dabi's back. He suddenly felt like he was being watched as his heart began to pound from out of his chest.

"Why am I so scared?? I'm alone" he thought to himself as he breathed in.

He made it to his cabin. He felt relaxed as he took off his shoes and made it to his couch to use his phone and chill.

He had stolen the cabin from people that used to live there a long time ago, he killed them.
It had running electricity and water.

Dabi couldn't shake off the feeling of someone watching him.
It was 3am so he didn't know who exactly could be watching.

Suddenly he heard a branch break outside his cabin, being alarmed he put his shoes on and ran outside.
No one was there.

He looked around, went all around the cabin but he couldn't see anyone.
Suddenly he was hit  hard to the side of his temple, knocking him out instantly.

"Good. Now I drag him inside, tie him up, and get some answers out of him" Midoryia thought to himself as he jumped down from the branch he was perched on.

He dragged Dabi's body into his cabin and Tied him up.

After 15 minutes Dabi began to wake up.
Midoryia stood there, mask on.

"Who are you???!" Dabi spat trying to activate his quirk.
He found his quirk wouldn't work.

Midoryia had put quirk cancelling cuffs on him.

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