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Midoryia let out a sigh as he stepped inside.
There he saw a navy blue haired teen wearing glasses scolding another white haired spiky haired teen.

Bakugo had dyed his hair white and was wearing black colored eye contacts.

The 2 stopped bickering when they turned to face Midoryia, who's hair was black and eyes were purple.

"I'm Kuro Murasakino.
Good to meet you all I guess" Midoryia sighed as he walked over to the only open seat left.

That was directly behind Bakugo.

"I'm Tenya Iida, good to meet you as well".

Iida gave up and walked over to his seat as everyone waited for their teacher.

Deku is that you?" Bakugo whispered.


"I knew I recognized you" Bakugo chuckled as he slid his feet off his desk.

As they all patiently waited they began to hear a juice bag.
Suddenly at their door came sliding in a hobo looking man in a yellow sleeping bag.

The class stared at him quite confused.

I'm your home room teacher Mr. Aizawa." He introduced.

The entire class gasped as they watched the man emerge from the sleeping bag and stretch.

"Today's gonna be different.
Get into your gym uniforms and meet me outside" Aizawa said as he walked out leaving the class.

Midoryia sighed, this isn't what he wanted to do.
If anything he just wanted to be at home relaxing in his million dollar mansion.

But he couldn't.

He followed the rest of the class to the changing rooms and found his gym clothes.
From there he changed and met Aizawa outside.

Aizawa pulled him to the side however.

"I know your in a disguise Izuku Midoryia.
I'm just going to set things straight right now.

I don't care that your parents are one of the richest in Japan, you're here to train to become a hero.
If I don't see you trying I will expell you" Aizawa spat.

Midoryia was taken back by his harsh tone, no one ever really spoke to him like that because they were too scared to.

"Look here Aizawa Sensei.
I was forced into this school by my mom because she wants me to actually try to be a hero.
Though I'm quirkless so you can't expect too much out of me." Midoryia snapped.

"Quirk or quirkless I don't care.
You will be trying". Aizawa then signalled the Bakugo, his  fake name was shiroi ket.

"I know your Katsuki Bakugo another rich kid.
Just as I told Izuku Midoryia here you have to try if you don't want to be expelled.

Now off you go" Aizawa said.

The rest of the class tried to listen into what Aizawa was saying to the 2 teens but it was quite impossible. He was whispering and they were far off.

"I wonder what he's talking to those 2 for" a brown haired girl named ochaco Uruaka said.

"They look kinda familiar don't you think?" A green haired girl commented. Tsuyu asui was her name.
"Yeah! But I can't put my finger on it"

Midoryia let out a sigh and walked over to where the rest of the class was waiting.

"Okay today I'll be testing out your physical strength.
You'll be going through a series of tests.

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