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Do you accept this adoption?" Midoryia asked as he held down the adoption paper to her.

"What an adoption?"
Midoryia chuckled, of course she wouldn't know what he was talking about.

"An adoption is when a kid without parents gets taken in by someone who wants you and they become your parental figure."

"Oh so you'll be my dad?"

"Not biologically but yeah"

"Okay then!"


Midoryia then signed the papers, it was sealed.

Eri was now Midoryia's daughter.

Eri Midoryia.

"Well then.
To celebrate your official adoption you're gonna meet my mom!" Midoryia said as he picked up Eri.

"Your mom?"

"My parent. I'll have the chefs prepare you a very nice meal" Midoryia said as he texted his chefs directly.


Midoryia chuckled.
"I'll get you a personal teacher til you're stable enough to go to school".


Midoryia went walking out, still holding Eri. He went to his limo and directed them to drive him to his mansion.

Eri's eyes widened at the large gates of the house as they walked a pretty red carpet on their way inside.

The house was huge, she couldn't comprehend how something could be that big.

When she walked in she was even more astonished. It was wayyy bigger than the dorm and was extra pretty.

Midoryia guided her over to the dining room where she found a table full of food and a green haired women wearing fancy clothing sat.

"Hello dear! You must be my granddaughter!" Inko cheered as she approached her.


"I'm your dad's mom. Your grandma.
Here sit down, there's food waiting" Inko said as she proped Eri up on a chair.

Eri was given meals upon meal, she ate to her hearts content. It was the best meal she's ever gotten in her life. Joy was prevalent in her eyes yet she didn't smile.

They stayed there for a couple hours. Midoryia showed her around the entire house and even showed off what her future room would look like after UA.

"How is this bigger than where everyone else lives??" Eri asked confused.

She had thought that class 1-A was "everyone else" as if no one else existed other than them.

Though she would eventually learn she was wrong.
"It was built bigger.

Now let's return back to "everyone else" and have fun" Midoryia said.


By grandma!' Eri said as she followed Midoryia on her way out.

Inko cried tears of joy.

They took the limo back to UA, it was already 4pm. Midoryia was at work for quite a while.

When he made it back Eri made her way to the girls. She enjoyed playing with them, especially when they styled her hair and showed it off.

Midoryia went up to his room and changed before making his way back downstairs to make sure everything went fine.

Aizawa came walking in.

We haven't asked Eri what her quirk is and if it's stable. It'll be dangerous  if it's something dangerous and she has no control over it" Aizawa said.

"Oh right.

What's you quirk?" Midoryia asked.

"It makes people go bye..." Eri said as he pointed to her horn.

"Do you have control?"

"I don't know"

"Eri come here".

Eri walked over to Midoryia, her hair in 2 pigtails.

I want you to stand right back there and try to activated your quirk.
Aizawa I want you to cancel it after it seems to get out of hand." Midoryia said.

"Are you sure that's safe?" Kaminari asked.

"She'll have to get control one day".

"Right then.".

Eri was snacking on an apple as she stood back far from everyone.

She closed her eyes and let her quirk flow out.
A golden stream flowed from her horn, the apple she was holding had suddenly lost it's bite mark and was shrinking.

It went back to being purely seeds.

"Eri turn it off".

"I-i don't know how!" Eri cried.
Aizawa shot his quirk at her, stopping it immediately.

Where's my apple" Eri sighed.

"Your quirk is rewind from what I saw. But since your clothes weren't rewinded but the apple was I'll assume it only works 2 different ways.

Either 1, it only works on living things or 2, it only works on things your holding.

We need to find out now.

Eri hold this stapler" Midoryia said handing Eri a stapler.

She activated her quirk again however the stapler remained the same.

"So it was the first thing.

It's kinda dangerous if it activated on its own and Aizawa isn't there to stop you so until you learn how to control it I want you to wear this bracelet" Midoryia said, pulling out a quirk cancelling bracelet.

"What is it?"
Eri asked as she put it on.

"It'll make sure your quirk doesn't spin out of control until I can set you up with a teacher to teach you" Midoryia replied.
"Oh okay".

Midoryia then pulled out his phone and called Hawks.
Despite hawks being not serious half the time he was a smart person and a really good teacher.

Midoryia knew from actual experience and so he set Eri up to learn from Hawks.

He agreed immediately, now he had a mini mini boss to teach.

The next day-.

While Midoryia was at school Hawks took time off of work to teach Eri inside the dorm rooms. He manages to teach her a lot within the time period between morning and lunch as Eri was sent to Midoryia after that.

"Okay class. I have something important to discuss" Aizawa said.

The class paid close attention.

"You all have to participate in the school Festival coming up".

"Huh?" The class said in unison.

"The school Festival will be a big event. Everyone is participating. Come up with a fun idea and make it happen here at the school.

But of course.
If you don't come up with anything we could always go for a public lecture" Aizawa spat.

"How long do we have?"

"A month but you have to tell me what your doing by this Friday" Aizawa concluded.

And so the class got to figuring out what they were going to do.

Next Mission:
Eri's smile.

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