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Audrey smiled widely as she saw the face of her second dad looking over at her. As he had a neck pillow around his neck, a luggage, and a backpack. And ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you so much" she said nearly crying. She hadn't seen Kenny in person for a while. They had a deep conversation over the phone after Cameron had passed away and she really needed a hug from Kenny. So just being able to hug him reminded her of the hug she needed from him. "I missed you too, Auds" he said and smiled as they pulled away from their hug. "The others should be here in a few" Kenny said and she nodded. "I'm scared they aren't going to like me" she said honestly. "Why would they not like you?" Kenny asked confused. "I don't know, because they all met before me, worked and sung together, and they know each other pretty well...so what if they all just decide that I don't fit in" Audrey said with a deep sigh, even though she really wanted new friends it was scary. It felt like the first day of school, but at a totally new school.

"Audrey, they're all sweet, I promise. They're all around your age, you'll be good" he said and she nodded.

After a little bit a they were all arriving. Audrey smiled nervously at them. Kenny began to tell them how they were going try to get to know each other. They all nodded as they listened. Audrey knew that this was all for her because the cast that was in front of her all knew each other, they were with each other for about a week already, and they all seemed closed.

"So, we're going to start off by introducing yourself, our plane doesn't board until about two hours so..we have time to get to know each other here too" Kenny said and they nodded. Kenny nudged Audrey lightly and she laughed as she nodded towards the man. "Uh, my name is Audrey Hennings" she said awkwardly and they smiled. Then they continued to go around suing their names.

"My name is Madison Reyes"

"My name is Jadah Marie"

"My name is Jeremy Shada"

"My name is Charlie Gillespie"

"My name is Owen Joyner"

Audrey's eyes connected with Owen's, she smiled lightly at him and she looked away over to Kenny. He then explained how the other half of the cast were already at Vancouver. They then checked in and walked into the airport. It was four in the morning, everyone and was pretty much tired.

"Hey" she turned around to see Madison. Being  the same height as Madison made her less intimidating. "Hey" she said. "I'm so tired, sorry that I'm boring" Madison said and she laughed. "It's fine, I'm pretty boring right now too, I'm not really this boring I'm usually more talkative..but I'm just scared that no one will like me" she said honestly. "Girl, everyone here already likes you. You're fine" Madison said and nudged her and she laughed. She looked forward to see the three boys all talking and she smiled. "They seem close" she said and Madison nodded. "They're already like brothers, they're like my big brothers" she said and Audrey smiled at her.

"Thank for being so welcoming-also congrats, Kenny told me that this is your first project" Audrey said with a smile. "Thank you, I'm super excited to get this started" Madison said as she pushed her hair behind her ear with a funny smirk making her laugh. "I'm so ready for this" Audrey said as she smiled at Kenny and the boys talking.

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The way I keep forgetting to update-

Y'all madi read one of my comments on her twitch stream*insert screaming*. It was so funny when her Sims had a fight- anyway...it's 1am and I'm watching Wanda Vision and I need to be up to school tomorrow. I still have more to ramble abt but I'm guessing u don't care so BYE LOVE U!

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