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liked by savannahleemay, jeremyshada and 2,389,028 others audreyhennings: nothing but smiles when I'm with u guys

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liked by savannahleemay, jeremyshada and 2,389,028 others
audreyhennings: nothing but smiles when I'm with u guys..I'm so sad that we have one month left together🥺💜
pc: @/jeremyshada


user: ma'am...UR DRIVING


user: Audrey ur dumb

user: that's so dangerous

jeremyshada: guys she was safe..I told her to say cheese for one second

owenjoyner: I'm gonna miss u🥺
^audreyhennings: u're gonna make me cry sir
^user: idk but auds said that they have one month left together

user: so u're telling me no more lives with the girls? 🥺
^themadisonreyes: now that really hit home😪😭
^savannahleemay: AWWWW🥺
^thejadahmarie: this is the saddest thing💔
^audreyshennings: NOOOO🥺🥺

toricaro: cutie🥺
^audreyhennings: no u💗

‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊

Audrey pouted as she laid next to Owen on Julie's bed on the set. Everyone else was on the set of the school while the two stayed back in her room for their break. "I don't wanna leave..how did two months already go by so quickly?" She asked and Owen shrugged. "It feels like it's been years with you" he said and she smiled. "Am I that annoying?" She asked making the boy laugh. "No, it just doesn't feel like it's been two months..we've been up for at least twenty two hours everyday and it feels like it's been longer" he said and she nodded, understanding what the boy meant.

"Has Layla tried texting you?" Owen suddenly asked and she furrowed her eyebrows. "No, I blocked her..has she been trying to text you?" Audrey asked and he nodded. "She's been wanting to get back together...but I don't want to. She was a distraction, you know?" Owen said and Audrey sat up just a little. "A distraction...from what?" She asked and Owen shrugged quickly. "From reality I guess" he lied and Audrey sighed as she grabbed his hand. "Owen I'm one of your best friends..if you ever have to tell me anything you can" she said and Owen smiled as he pulled her back down with him.

Her head laid on his chest as she listened to his heart beat. "I'm gonna miss us.." Audrey said and she wanted to slap herself for the words that came out of her mouth. She meant to think it..but she just said it. "What?" Owen asked and she shook her head. "Nothing she said as her face turned red. "No, what did you say?" Owen asked with a smile as he nudged. "I said I'm going to miss us..you know being together-I'm going to miss you..." she said and Owen heart fluttered, along with hers after admitting to what she said.

"I'm going to miss you too.." he said and she smiled.

He doesn't understand..

"Owen..I don't think you understand, when I say I'm going to miss you..it's like..." she stopped and sighed as she sat up from his chest. She played with her fingers as she looked down. "I don't know..I sound stupid" she said as she started to go through her pockets for her phone.

"No, Auddie, tell me" he said as she grabbed her hands this time. She sighed. "The night in the bathroom changed the way I-I saw things..you know..like between us. I-I wanted to kiss you..is what I'm trying to say-Owen I like you, so so much and it's killing me" Audrey admitted and her heart started to pound.

She didn't expect herself to tell him right then and there but she knew that she had to soon, because this months will go by fast and the next thing you know they would both be off back home.

Owen sat up as he looked at her and he noticed how she didn't have a smile on her face and she avoided looking at him. "I know you don't like me..you don't have too" she said and Owen looked at her, she still wasn't looking at him. "Look at me Audrey" he said and she sighed as she looked at him. Her eyes began to water. "Owen you don't have to make up some fake sorry about how you're not looking for a relationship because of Layla and that we're best friends..I can handle it-" she was cut off by Owen's lips crashing onto hers.

They relaxed into the kiss, their lips locking perfectly together. They soon pulled away with a smile on their face as their foreheads touched. "Layla was my distraction from you, Auds" Owen said lowly and her heart and stomach fluttered. "Wait.." Audrey said as she pulled their faces apart. "What do you mean she was your distraction from me?" Audrey said and he sighed. "I mean exactly what you said...she was my distraction, it wasn't from reality...I didn't think you liked me the way I liked you...so that's why I made that lie just minutes ago" he said and Audrey smiled.

Owen held the side of her face. "Can I kiss you again?" He asked and she smiled. "I would pull back if you do" she said with a soft smile and Owen pressed his lips onto her for the second time.

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