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What the actual fuck is wrong with you. You told Owen all those lies about me, I never threatened you. I simply told you not to talk to him.

I NEVER told Owen that you threatened me. I never said anything, he wanted to talk to me and he said he knew already. So stop talking me. Im not afraid to block people.


You ruined everything, you always do. I knew you were the type to ruin things the moment I saw you. Your just stuck up and only care for yourself. You're selfish and always want the center of attention. Fuck you.

What did I ever do to you? Nothing bc u don't know me and you've never gotten to know me. Ur also being pretty childish for a 21 year old it's honestly embarrassing to talk major shit about someone you don't know.

are you sure you want to block this user?


Audrey walked into her to her trailer and sat on the couch and went to her contacts.


She clicked his name and it started ringing. He picked up instantly, like always. "Hello?" She heard his voice. "What did you tell Layla?" She asked and Owen stayed quiet for a moment. "I broke up with her" he said and her eyes went wide. "You what?!" She nearly yelled. "I ended things with her" Owen repeated.

"What why?" She asked. "Because, I told her to be honest with me then I asked her about what happened and she lied. She showed me that I couldn't trust her" Owen said and Audrey nodded to herself.

It isn't your fault.

"Okay, when will you get to set? We have about thirty minutes" Audrey asked, shaking off the conversation, switching into one she could handle. "I'm getting in the Uber right now" he said. "Okay, well I'll let ride in peace, also so it won't be awkward" Audrey said. "I still wanna talk to you" Owen said making Audrey cheeks grow red.

No. Audrey...No. He just got out of a relationship. Or whatever he was in.

"Okay, I'll text you" she said. "Alright" Owen said and the call ended. She shook her head as she smiled.

Knock, Knock, Knock.

She jumped at the sound. "Come in!" She called and Charlie entered and groaned playfully. "Ughhh, you" she said and Charlie pouted. "I'm just playing" she said and smiled as she opened her arms for him and he gladly ran into her arms. "Thank you" Audrey said and Charlie furrowed his eyebrows. "For what?" Charlie asked. "When you made me talk to Owen, he made me tell the truth. And I'm happy that I got to the truth out" she said and Charlie smiled.

"And Owen broke up with Layla..I feel bad because maybe he was happy with her" Audrey said and shrugged Charlie pulled away from their little cuddle they were doing with a big smile. "He broke up with her!?" Charlie asked with a big smile. "Yeah, she shit texted me like a kid, but I blocked her" Audrey said. "So Audwen's gonna be a thing again?" Charlie asked. "What? No! No! Audwen-" Charlie cut her off. "You're blushing" Charlie teased and her phone vibrated. Making their head snap towards her phone


"Audwen for the win!" Charlie yelled and she laughed. "No, Charles! He's just a friend" Audrey said as she pushed him. "Yeah, one that makes you blush. You guys are like meant for each other, everyone sees the way you two look at each other" Charlie said. "What? You sound crazy, I look at him how I look at everyone else" Audrey said with a shrug. "No you don't, once Owen is around you have the sweetest smile, you literally just groaned when I walked in" Charlie said and Audrey laughed.

"I was joking when I did that" she said and Charlie shrugged. "You like Owen, and he likes you" Charlie said. "He just had a girlfriend" Audrey said and Charlie shrugged. "Text him back" Charlie said and she sighed as she grabbed her phone. And opened it up, tapping the message notification.

well it's embarrassing that my relationship only lasted a week

Audrey laughed at the message while Charlie rested his head on Audrey's shoulder as they both looked at her phone. "It won't last a week if you guys just get together already!" Charlie yelled and she laughed. "You're like a annoying little brother-except you're older" she said and Charlie laughed. "That doesn't make any sense" Charlie said. "You don't make any sense" Audrey said as she replied to Owen's text.

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