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Audrey had yawned for the 1000th time. She had been driving for  23 hours. She was so close. She just had 43 minutes left. It was 4pm and she couldn't wait to see Owen, Dinah, Luka, and Mike. She smiled as she thought of seeing Luka. She had never met her in person. But she texted Luka almost everyday. She was excited.

Owen had been calling her almost every hour and she felt so bad for ignoring the calls but she didn't want to be in danger. She felt bad for ignoring him. All she could do is listen to the songs that played on her Spotify playlists.

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Audrey sat outside of the Joyner household with a big smile on her face and she called Dinah on FaceTime and smiled widely. "I'm outside" she whispered into the phone. Dinah smiled. "Mike and I will help" she said and she nodded and the phone hung up. She got out of the car and she walked to her trunk, taking the things out.

She then looked up to see Dinah and Mike walking over to her. She smiled as she hugged Dinah tightly. "How are you?" Dinah asked. "Exhausted" the girl responded with a laugh as she now hugged Mike. "Owen is clueless he's in his room complaining about how you haven't been answering his calls" Dinah said and Audrey smiled. "Is Luka home?" She asked and Dinah nodded as they entered the house. "She's in the living room" Mike whispered and Audrey smiled as she followed after Dinah into the living room to see Luka.

"Holy-Audrey!" Luka whispered yelled she forgot all about the surprise. Luka hopped up from the couch and they hugged tightly. "It's so good to finally meet you" Audrey said and Luka pulled back from the hug. "You're way gorgeous in real life" Audrey said. "Says you, Auds you're beautiful" Luka said and they laughed quietly. "Before you surprise Owen I need to record this" Luka said and Audrey nodded.

Audrey followed Luka upstairs to Owen room. Luka knocked at the door. "Come in!" Owen called and Luka opened the door. Owen eyes stayed on his phone, he was really focused on something.

"Look, it's the best surprise you can ever asked for" Luka said and Audrey held in her laughed. Owen turned around with an emotionless face and Audrey laughed Owen instantly stood up instantly running over to Audrey she jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist as they hugged tightly.

"Is this way you haven't been answering me?" Owen asked and Audrey nodded into his neck. She smiled as she pulled her face away from his neck and pecked his lips.

She got down and smiled up at him. "How long did you know this for?" Owen turned back to look at Luka who was smiling widely at her  brother and his girlfriend.

"Since it was planned, but I forgot all about it" Luka explained. "Wow-this was the best gift ever..I missed you" Owen said and hugged her tightly. "Okay, I'll give you guys some space..but Auds you have to spend time with me too" Luka said and she nodded. "Of course" Audrey said and Luka closed the door on the way out.

As Audrey turned back around to Owen he pulled her into a soft kiss. She smiled into the kissed and they pulled away. "I can't believe you actually came" Owen said and she smiled. "I can't believe I drove twenty four hours long..that's a day" she said. "You need to sleep" Owen said. "But I just got here" Audrey said and Owen shrugged. "You can sleep and when you're up, I'll be here" He said and Audrey smiled.

Audrey took of her slides and Owen opened his covers for the girl and she gladly slipped under them, already being comfortable because she had on sweats and a t-shirt. Owen then laid on top of the covers and listened to what Audrey mumbled as her eyes slowly closed. "I love you" was the last thing he heard before she started snoring softly. "I love you more" he said with a smile at the girl as she slept.

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