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𝟮:𝟱𝟮 , 𝘁𝘂𝗲𝘀𝗱𝗮𝘆

that new girl sy're looks too damn good.. i fell asleep early so i woke up around two, ever since then i've been searching for her insta.

i decided that i was going to try and search up her best friends name, "... whats mahlia ig again?" i asked makhi.

"um.. liasarchives" she said, i finally found it and went to her following, "what would sy're's name be?" i thought outloud.

"sy.alana" makhi said and i searched it up, "found her!!" i said and clicked on her first post.

alana" makhi said and i searched it up, "found her!!" i said and clicked on her first post

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𝐬𝐲.𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐚 real nigga shit only.

𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 my girl my world 💞.
𝐬𝐲.𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐚 @liasarchives my favorite girl 💗

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"she looks too damn good, she's not real" i said aloud, "right? she looks damn good for her age." makhi said and i laughed

"billie. billie honey wake up" my mom said and i opened my eyes, waiting for a second for the black dots in my vision to disappear.

"hi honey, i heard you up last night really late.. you okay?" she asked and i nodded, "thank you mama i love you" i said hugging her waist.

"i love you more, now get ready for school" she said and i nodded before getting out of bed, i stretched before walking across the hall to my bathroom.

"you look good today billie" i said to myself as i started brushing my teeth, "why are you talking to yourself?" my younger sister asked and i popped her.

"billie please you on one today" she said laughing and walking into the bathroom, "what are you doing?" i said putting my Invisalign in.

"getting ready?" she said slicking her hair back in the mirror, "tryna get food before we get
to school?" i asked and she nodded.

"i'm thinking starbucks?" she said and i nodded, "i've actually been craving a salted caramel macchiato lately" she said and i laughed.

"the fuck is a salted caramel macchiato? do it got salt in it?" i asked and she nodded, "i know that shit was nasty when you first had it." i rolled my eyes and slipped my shirt over my head.

"uht unt we is not fucking matching today." she said walking into my room, "you knew what i was wearing you was sitting in here when i picked it out." i said and she rolled her eyes.

"we might aswell match." she said and slammed the door, "yall got one more time to slam a damn door in my house!!" my mom yelled and i rolled my eyes.

"its to early for you to be yelling lady" i said putting my outfit on, "billie what shoes you wearing?" makhi asked and i picked up my red thunder 4's.

"got it" she said and went to get hers from her room, "y'all gotta go, its 7:50" my mom said opening the door to my room and throwing the keys.

𝟳:𝟬𝟴 , 𝘁𝘂𝗲𝘀𝗱𝗮𝘆

"mahlia stopp" i said and she rolled her eyes before finally putting the necklace around my neck, i was so sleepy this morning and i did not feel like putting it on so i threw it in my bag and went on with my morning.

"whats your plans after school today?" she asked handing me my donut, "i have my nail appointment, thats it." i said and bit into the doughy treat that was waiting for me.

mahlia was a chill lil girl, she originally from the 410 so she has a prominent accent, she got brown curly hair and she has a hella tattoos on her body.

she was always the very affectionate friend, extremely touchy, her love languages are gift giving and physical touch.

she always smiling bout sum, her lil goofy ass, she did have pink and blonde locs but she combed them out about a year ago.

we used to have a fake relationship back in the 8th grade, we was mad cute, i honestly did start developing feelings for her and they were mutual and we never acted on them.

now we're here.

"yeah her dunks fucked." she said outloud as this girl walked past wit some fucked up ass pandas, "what was said?" she asked looking up from her phone.

i forgot to mention shorty mad confrontational, and she just bold, maddd bold.

"not shit, keep it pushing" i said and turned to mahlia before popping her in her mouth, "fuck you hit me in my mouth fo?" she said rolling her eyes.

"you can't just be talking bout people leilani." i said, "you said it yourself tho, her dunks is fucked." she said with a pout.

"you so spoiled, come on girl." i said walking her to our first period.

we were now in gym, i honestly didnt do nothing in gym cause i dead don't fuck wit nobody else in this school besides my sister, whos an alumni and helps around the school and my li.

"there go shorty that was staring at me the other day, what was her name again?" i looked up at mahlia, yea shes taller than me but i was wrapped around her like a koala.

"billie? hell no, i got english wit her ass and the conversations i be hearing from her be wild." mahlia said and i laughed.

"yoo, long time no see sy're, hi mahlia" billie said walking over to us, "yo billie, wassup youngbull" mahlia said dapping her up.

"you can't speak now ma?" she said and i turned around to sit in between lias legs, "hi billie" i said with a smile.

"you coming to basketball tryouts tomorrow?" she asked lia and she nodded, "you did fire the last 3 years, make your last year count" she said with a laugh and mahlia laughed aswell.

"you play basketball mama?" billie asked and i shrugged, "nah, not really." i said looking up from my phone.

"you'd be good for cheer then, i know you're in w honors dance so you'd be cool. maybe a co-captain" she said and i nodded.

"tryouts are this friday, heres a slip" she said and handed me the piece of paper, "they do stomp and shake?" i asked looking at the pictures.

"yeah, thats what we known for. we is in atlanta after all." she said with a smile, she was actually mad pretty.

she had clear shiny skin, blue eyes that could be compared to the sky, a nose ring and a significant smell. one you could only find on her.

she had a thick new york accent, and she spoke spanish well enough to have a full conversation, she was like the new york version of mahlia.

"sy're!" mahlia said shaking me, "huh?" i said looking at her, billie raised her eyebrow before letting out a small laugh.

"you going?" she asked and i nodded, "hell yeah" i said, and billie smiled before high fiving mahlia.

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