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(this chapter might be a lil corny please don't be mad 💔💔💔)

𝘁𝗵𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗱𝗮𝘆, 𝟯:𝟱𝟰 𝗽𝗺.

i sat down in the classroom taking down notes from the board, sitting across from jaime who was squinting to look at the board.

"girl are you that blind?" i questioned laughing a bit and she nodded adjusting the schools under amour zip up.

tonight was the night of the last game, and senior night. billie however was being super adamant on me getting my hair and nails done for tonight.

i was gonna do that anyway but damn, did i really have to take my hair out that bad.

i picked my phone up before going through my notifications, seeing a text from billie i unlocked my phone before holding on it to see what she said.

'you ready for tn?' the message read, this is like her fifth time asking me this question, i typed a reply before turning my phone off and placing it on my desk.

"billie keeps asking me if im ready for tonight like whats happening tonight?" i asked as jaime looked up from the packet.

she shrugged before biting down on her lip, "you sure?" i asked and she rolled her eyes, "yas bitch" she said sassily and i choked on my spit before laughing.

"stop talking and do my work!" the teacher barked and i rolled my eyes, "her fat erky ass. i swear" i said and she nodded in agreement.

"she wonder why everybody skips her boring ass class" i mumbled and jaime put her head on the table before snickering, "bro you dumb stop" i laughed kicking her under the table.

"why i gotta be the dumb one?" she questioned and i shrugged before laughing, "y'all two at the front stop talking!" she yelled from the back of the classroom.

"girl okay! like damn" i rolled my eyes and swung my feet under my desk, biting on the cap of my pen i looked through the test questions with my eyebrows furrowed.

"im cooked" i whispered and jaime agreed.

jaime and i laughed as we walked into the cafeteria, "sy're!" mulan exclaimed running up to me, "hey muuuu" i smiled and she hugged me tight.

"alright hop up i gotta give my bestfriend a hug" mahlia said and i laughed hugging her, giving everyone else a hug i sat down and we began talking.

as mulan was speaking to me she looked up behind me and gasped with a smile on her face, i turned around to see billie holding a bouquet of green and yellow roses with a bow in the middle.

"billie!" i teared up and she smiled, "hey my baby" she smiled as a few tears ran down my face.

"i love them, thank you!" i exclaimed and she smiled before giving me a kiss on my forehead, she placed a chipotle bag infront of me and i screamed.

"awe thank you!!" i smiled hugging her, "you're welcome mama" she smiled hard before opening her burrito.

"y'all think yall so cute" makhi rolled her eyes laughing before taking a picture on her polaroid.

"i have dance next period" i groaned, my dance teacher didn't even teach dance, half the time she wasn't even there and when she was she just sat there and watched us choreograph.

"my teacher not here, ill be in there with yall" mahlia said and i nodded, we had dance the same period but had different teachers.

"you don't even have any rhythm to be in dance." mahlia said and i agreed, "can even walk straight" i added on and we laughed together.

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