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𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝟵:𝟯𝟮 𝗽𝗺.

i sat on my bed, scrolling mindlessly through tiktok when i heard a scream coming from downstairs.

"billie!" makhi screamed from downstairs, i quickly popped up out of my bed and out of my room, almost falling down the stairs trying to get down them.

"whats wrong?!" i exclaimed and she looked at me with glossed over eyes, "they just put out an amber alert for sy're.. they can't find her billie!" she yelled and my phone started ringing from my pocket.

𝘁𝘂𝗲𝘀𝗱𝗮𝘆, 𝗻𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟯𝗿𝗱, 𝟭𝟭:𝟭𝟱 𝗮𝗺.

sy're walked into school late and sat down in her history class, a tired look was on her face.

billie came and sat next to her laying her head on sy're's shoulder while putting her hand on her thigh.

sy're jumped and billie looked at the brownskin a bit confused, "mama whats wrong?" billie whispered and sy're sighed as tears started to well up in her eyes.

"ms. whiters! can i take sy're to the bathroom?" billie questioned and the teacher nodded her head writing a pass and handing it to billie.

billie walked sy're to the nearest bathroom and bent down to match sy're's eye level.

"baby whats the matter?" billie asked and the shorter girl's breath started to speed up, "calm down, take a breath your breathing to fast for your body to comprehend" she said and sy're slowed down.

"lately.. someone has been watching me and i can feel it, there have been weird notes showing up on my bed.. gifts, flowers im allergic to. billie im scared." she cried and light tears rolled down her face.

"mama, i would never let anyone hurt you, i gotchu i promise.. we're going to talk to your sister about this and see what we can do about it.. okay?" billie asked and sy're nodded.


"shit!" i yelled slipping on some shoes and grabbing my car keys, "we gotta go bro." i said and makhi quickly rushed to put on some shoes and a hoodie.

we ran out of the house and quickly got in the car, "fucking start bro!" i yelled pressing the start button.

finally we pulled up to sy're's house and i could see everyones cars lining the street, i parked on the other side and ran up onto her porch.

"open the door!!" i yelled, my voice cracking slightly, soon nalani opened the doo.

she looks so much like sy're.

"billie?" she questioned and i focused back on her, "come in, you look stressed" she said and i nodded.

i walked in and greeted everyone, they all looked scared and sad.. maliah being the worst one.

"li, you okay?" i asked and she just stared at me, "shes really just like off.." malina said sniffling.

yeah im off too.

i took my spot on the couch and sipped on the glass of water nalani gave me, i then slid back into the couch.

i sat in the corner of the couch silent, the outside noises fading into echos of each of their voices.

the thoughts about sy're overpowered their voices as i sat there, legs pulled up to my chest.

my heart was practically beating out of my chest and i was shaking, i was so scared and worried for her i just didn't know what to do.

sentences and scenarios filled my head, just thinking about what they could be doing to my baby right now and theres nothing that i can do to stop it.

"billie?" i heard someone say and they touched my shoulder, i snapped out of my trance to look at them but the person's face was faded by the tears welling up in my eyes.

they gave me a hug and i took a deep breath before letting out a scream, shocking everyone.


billie laid on mahlia's chest, the her body jolting with each sob that left her mouth, everyone she could tell she was so hurt by this.

"billie.. shes gonna be okay" they tried to reassure her, she didn't ant to hear it, all she wanted was her baby.

"billie are you okay?" nalani asked seriously concerned, she heard sy're's voice but she knew she wasn't actually there.

just another figment of her imagination.

once she realized that sy're wasn't actually standing there another loud sob came from her mouth.

finally they got billie to fall asleep, wrapped up in blankets and laid on a pillow on the couch she slept. the good memories of sy're racing through her dreams.

"i've never seen billie like this before" mulan spoke up, they were all just staring at her, like there was something wrong with her.

"i know.. she must be really hurt" jaime said, everyone in the room was seriously hurt by sy're's sudden disappearance. no one could really figure out where she could have gone.

short chapter, but hey stinkas!!!

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