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𝟏:𝟓𝟑 𝐩𝐦 , 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲

"what you mean youn like my shorts, i think they cute" i said looking at them from the back, "i know you do, but your ass is halfway out" she said pulling them down.

"thats the point!" i said and mahlia came back over, "yo billie, whats the move?" she asked dapping her up.

"im tryn get sy're to pull these short ass shorts down" she said tugging at em more but they still wouldn't budge, "ion like em either but we gotta deal with it," mahlia said and billie sighed.

"y'all tryna shop around with us tho?" she added and billie looked at her friend before shrugging, "you down?" she asked the girl and she nodded.

" this my sister makhi" billie introduced and makhi waved, "hi sy're!" she said and i waved back.

"so where do yall wanna go first?" saniya said, her mood completely shifted, i mean like before she was closed off but now shes all bubbly and happy, and she mad close wit mahlia and them but ion know.

"mahlia lil 18th coming up in a few weeks" i said and mahlia did a lil dance, "hell yeah, finna be grown!" she exclaimed and i popped her cheek.

"no you not. go sit ya ass down somewhere" i said and she nodded before we both started laughing.

"not gon lie.. im kinda hungry" jamie said and mulan agreed, "lets go to main event then, food and fun, we can even go laser tagging" makhi said and we nodded walking towards the escalator.

"so who wanna be on blue and who wanna be on red?" mahlia said as she was signing us all in, "blue!! put me down for blue immediately" i said jumping to look over her shoulder.

"okay nigga damn. besides me, who else wanna be on blue?" mahlia asked, billie and mulan put their names down and then the remaining people went on red.

"go go go billie!!" we yelled and we all started shooting at them, "i will pistol with you, ya scared ass." i said pushing mulan out into the open.

"ima beat your ass wait till i can see you again." she said and i saw saniya coming so i shot her, "got ya ass!!" i yelled and everybody laughed.

"what yall getting to eat?" mulan said after the waiter finished placing our drinks down, they all said their orders and she put them in.

"ian ate since this morning, and its finna be 8" i said looking at my apple watch, "ima go get some napkins for the table" i said and they nodded.

as i was walking back over to the table a boy came up to me, i never officially opened up about my sexuality but i definitely dont like men.

"yo, you taken?" he asked as i was pulling my chair out, "i-" i was cut off by billie.

"yo you like your life?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, "yeah.." he said looking around.

"so get the fuck on before you end up onna t-shirt. fuck outta here dickhead." she said rolling her eyes as he walked away.

"billie calm down.." makhi said and she shook her head drinking some of her sweet tea, "fucking dumbass boys, you okay mama?" she asked looking at me and i nodded.

"finally my food here" i exclaimed starting to dip my buffalo nuggets into the ranch, "mm.. mm.." i moaned biting into it.

"its good damn, i know your mouth hot i can see the steam from the plate" mulan said and i rolled my eyes before laughing.

"ya lor hungry ass" mahlia said and we all laughed, "big bitch!!" saniya yelled and we all looked at her laughing a bit.

i didn't laugh tho, i didnt find that comment very appropriate but i laughed it off.

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