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𝘄𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗱𝗮𝘆, 𝟰:𝟱𝟲 𝗮𝗺

i woke up in a room, red lights blaring in my eyes and my head banging i then began to tap around for my phone on the silky sheets.

once i located it i picked it up and realized it wasn't mine, it was billies.

on her lockscreen was a picture of me and her we took in the locker room at a basketball game, it wasn't my phone because i changed our lockscreen after she got distant.

"billie?" i managed to rasp out, holding my head in pain, she slept peacefully next to me, her lips parted slightly.

"billie.." i asked shaking her, she opened her eyes just a bit and looked over at me, "hm..?" she mumbled tiredly.

"what happened, how'd i get here?" i asked and she sat up on her elbows for a second before sitting up fully and rubbing her eyes.

"huh?" she questioned, maybe i should have waited until later in the morning to ask her questions.

"sy're, baby.. how's your head feeling?" she asked and flipped her legs over onto the cold hardwood floor she had in her room.

"pounding.." i said and groaned before laying on my back, "and i feel lightheaded" i added with a light sigh.

she took a second to process everything before speaking "here.. you threw up everything when we got here so im gonna.. get you some headache medicine and something to eat? cool? okay."

i laid on the bed silently with my eyes clothes since the lights made my symptoms worse, after about 30 minutes she came back and set everything on her dresser in the front of her room.

"okay, i got you some Tylenol, water.. and some fruit since i don't want you to throw it all up." she said with a smile, she looked nervous.

"why are you so nervous" i questioned examining the pill bottle, "im not nervous," she said biting her bottom lip.

"um.. i don't know how to swallow a pill" i explained and she looked up at me from her trance, "fuck you mean you don't know how to swallow a pill? you rey be 18 sy're" she said and i just stared at her.

"don't start with me lor niya" i sassed and she looked taken aback, "can you crush this pill up for me please?" i questioned with an innocent smile on my face.

"im only doing this because im a good host" she said as i laid back holding my head, she then took a straw and mixed the crushed up pill into the water.

"still cannot believe you can't swallow a damn pill at almost 18 the fuck years old" she sassed rolling her eyes.

"girl i do not care." i said finishing my drink, "refreshing, i gotta kinda sorta pee now" i said getting up to use the bathroom.

once i finished my business i washed and dried my hands before walking back down the hall, but not before running into makhi.

"sy're?!" she whispered yelled, "hi ling baby i missed you!" i whisper yelled back, we were conversing and then billie opened her door and looked down the hallway.

"yall come on before my bitch ass step dad get to complaining" she said and we walked to her room before going in and laying down.

"so i guess yall made up?" she asked and billie and i looked at eachother before i looked back and makhi, "made up from what?" i questioned cause what happened?

"you got so drunk you forgot about everything, billie was being "mad dayroom" in your words" she said and i looked away.

"listen.. nobody told this dy- dumb bitch to leave me for that white trash." i explained with a smile on my face, "she ain't even white!" billie exclaimed.

"well she pushing it!" i retorted, bitch you testing my patience and ian for it.

"im hungry." i said changing the subject after almost 15 minutes of silence, "mm.. whats open?" makhi said and i tapped on my apple watch.

"its.. 6:23" i said and rubbed my face, "i want some pancakes.." makhi mumbled, "doordash some ihop it should be open." i said and i looked over at billie.

this girl was knocked out clean, mouth halfway open and all, "that was quick" i said and makhi just shook her head.

i sat eating my pancakes and watching my ipad in the dining room with makhi and billie, i had my beats on so i couldn't hear a thing they were saying.

soon the bill was paid and it was off to my house, "thanks billie" i said gathering my stuff to go in the house.

"wait, can we talk sy?" she asked and i raised an eyebrow confused, what do you mean talk? you fuck wit saniya now and thats cool.

"i don't fuck with saniya, she blocked your number off my phone when i left it on in class." she said and i raised my eyebrow.

"the fuck you mean she took your phone and blocked me..? that don't make no sense." i said getting ready to get out the car but she grabbed my arm and kissed me.

i immediately pulled away and she just looked at me, her eyes closed a bit as she smiled and i leaned back in to kiss her, kissed there for a while before i pulled away and smiled.

"im sorry.. i was about to text you and then i had to get up to do something and she just did it," she explained and i just laughed.

"you should have known that slow bitch was crazy, ill see you tomorrow billie." i smiled getting out of the car.

"bye beautiful!!" she yelled from outside of the window, i just waved at her before walking into the house.

there i saw nalani on the couch knocked out with a sleeping ziara.

i laughed before walking upstairs and immediately starting a shower, once i started the shower and got in my phone started.

"unt unt! hey siri!! turn on do not disturb!" i yelled and then continued on with my shower.

once i got out of the shower i did what i needed to do then took my phone off dnd, soon i saw floods of messages coming through from the group chat.


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