Bonus Chapter 4 - Lucy's Birth

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Anastasia's POV

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Anastasia's POV

As I dropped Elijah off at school and made sure that Grayson had safely picked up Nora from my house to stay with him for the day, something felt off. My hand stayed on my pregnant belly for most of the morning, and the doctors had reassured me that everything was fine.

But my motherly instincts were ringing alarm bells, as if something with my baby girl was wrong.

Toby clung to my hand as Quinn drove us to Charlie's house, all of us dressed in coats and boots thanks to the harrowing rain outside. Winter was at it's full, and I was thankful snow didn't fall down here, as I wouldn't have been able to survive listening to Quinn's stories about it.

"Mummy, how is bubba doing?" Toby asked sweetly, his toothy grin bringing a small smile to mine. He was as happy as any two-year old could be, though whenever he was around Sloane or Diana, mess followed everywhere, becoming even worse when Kiarnah and Hunter came into the picture.

"Bubba is doing fine baby, she's just a bit quiet today," I said gently, kissing the top of his head. Quinn smiled at us from the front seat, and shot a wink my way. He had been so supportive the past six years of our marriage, especially during my three previous pregnancies.

He had woken up for every cry, bought me any food I desired, and most importantly, loved our children just as much he had loved me.

Of course, that didn't mean his childish streak had died out, but it allowed him to interact with our babies in a way even I couldn't achieve.

"Here we are my loves," he called out, and he stepped out of the car before opening my door, extending his hand to me. I cursed my swollen feet as I wriggled out of the car, and Toby jumped into Quinn's arms, resting his head on his father's shoulder.

"You alright darling?" Quinn asked with a worried face as I huffed walking up the front steps. I nodded, plastering a smile on my face, hoping it would please him.

"Just a little tired, that's all," I reassured him, and he smiled before knocking on the large double doors.

"MY WIFE WOULD LIKE TO SIT DOWN PLEASE!" he called out, causing Toby to giggle. "Always treat the special someone in your life just as I treat your mummy, okay Tobias? Love is the key to everything, but ordering your relatives around is even better!"

I rolled my eyes and put my hands on my hips. "Don't listen to your father Tobias. You'll know when the time is right just how to love your partner," I smiled, and Toby stuck his tongue out at Quinn just as the door opened.

"One of these days, I'm going to pull my gun on you for ordering me around," Charlie threatened Quinn, as I walked up to him.

"And one of these days I'm going to show you just how graphic my first three pregnancies were if you keep threatening my husband," I retorted, earning a nervous gulp from Charlie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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