Periods and Irrationality

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Anastasia's POV

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Anastasia's POV

I was peacefully sleeping.

Until a giant ass sat on my stomach.

I screamed.

And Quinn came running in, a gun cocked and ready in his right hand. "Ana? What's wrong?" he shouted, going all macho mafia man. 

I groaned from my bed.

Giggles escaped from above me, and I lifted my head to see Evelyn sitting on my stomach, a bowl of sour clouds comfortably resting on her lap. "This is pay back for last night, bish," she said, munching on a handful of the blue sour clouds.

I rolled my eyes, and Quinn sat next to me, cuddling my waist. "Are you alright, my lady?" he asked with a dramatised accent, and I nodded, laying my head against his chest. He placed his gun back in his waistband and placed a gentle kiss on the top my head. 

"Speaking of last night Evelyn, how's my brother?" I said, smirking from my pillow. Her face flushed instantly and I cheered in my head.

Anastasia: 1     Evelyn: 0

She jumped off my bed and ran out of my room, bumping into Hazel as she sauntered into my room. "Hey Hazelnut," Quinn said, and she beamed, waving slightly.

"Hey Quinn, hey Ana," she said cheerfully. I raised my eyebrow, giving her an 'elaborate bish' look.

"Grayson texted me last night, and I'm about to FaceTime him and everyone else, wanna join?" I leaped from my bed, knocking Quinn in the nose with my elbow.

"What is with people in your family hitting each people! Seriously, I only ever get one nose in my life," he groaned, rubbing his nose. 

We all walked outside, where the early morning sun beat down gently on our skin. Nathan and Jacob were already doing laps of the pool, and Rod and Gabby were at the small kitchen outdoor kitchenette, cooking countless things. Hazel set her laptop on the table next to her sun chair, and clicked the call button.

The familiar ringtone rang out only once before her screen showed the inside of Grayson's mouth. "Ew, Gray-Gray that's disgusting," she squealed, and he laughed moving away from the camera. I could finally see the rest of the family. 

Grayson had Carlotta nestled in between his legs, and Julian was looking at them both with disgust. My parents were seated on the couch, their hands intertwined and faces smiling at ours. Charlie was on an armchair, with a small mass in his lap.

I frowned. Who was that?

Charlie chuckled, obviously sensing my curiosity through the screen. "Mio sorelle e fratelli, this is the newest member of our famiglia, Astrid." Upon hearing her name, the little mass sat up a bit, clutching Charlie's shirt tightly. Her blue eyes were screaming with fear, and we could all see the bones through her shirt.

I decided to speak first whilst the boys got out of the pool. "Ciao Astrid, I'm Anastasia, Charlie's sister." I smiled through the screen, and she gave a small smile back.

"I'm Hazel, the youngest."

"I'm Nathan, the most awesome one."

"I'm Jacob, the real most awesome one."

"I'm Quinn, Anastasia's big bad boyfriend."


"I'm sorry, did I just hear BOYFRIEND?!" three of my four brothers bellowed at the same time. Astrid shrunk into Charlie, and his face softened, his attention set on comforting the little girl in his lap.

My mother was smiling and my father had a knowing smile on his face. Grayson looked as if he were about to shit himself. Beside me, Nathan and Jacob's jaws were locked, and I stood protectively in front of Quinn. "Don't you dare touch him boys," my father warned from the computer, and they grunted, glaring at me.

I dropped my head. 

They'd never glared at me with such disgust.

Had I done the wrong thing?

Quinn grabbed my chin and gently lifted my head up. "Keep your head up, Ana. Don't let their looks get to you," he whispered. A tear rolled down my cheek, and I bid everyone a quick goodbye before running back into the house, locking myself inside of the first room I entered. I could hear Quinn follow me, but he stopped as I locked myself in, realising I had locked the parlour doors. 

I slid down the doors, landing in a heap on the floor. My brothers has never looked at me like that before. I had only ever seen my playful, happy brothers.

It didn't help that I was on my period, my thoughts were rushed and irrational; I was an emotional mess. I ran out of the parlour room and straight up to my room, changing into my running clothes. I needed fresh air and I wasn't going to wait for anyone.

I looked over to the necklace on my dresser, and decided not to put it on. I tied my hair back, and grabbed my trainers on the way out. 

No one followed me this time.

I walked out of house, down the cobblestone driveway, and walked straight to Quinn's mothers places trying to remember the route from when Quinn had taken me out. 

I had an eery feeling of being followed, and I looked behind me three times. 

No one ever looked the same, and I was wearing sunglasses, which shielded my face.

I walked slightly faster and finally was in sights of the home.

I was a few metres away when I felt an arm grab me roughly. I turned around slowly, only to look into the dark black eyes of someone I thought was dead. The man who had threatened Carlotta, who Quinn had kicked.

I tried to scream but was muffled with a cloth. Keenan dragged me into an alleyway, where a black van with tinted windows was sitting. He threw me roughly into it, and another man who had been hiding in the shadows pulled out a syringe. "Goodnight, sleeping beauty," Keenan cackled.

Darkness surrounded me.


Quinn's POV

She had been gone for 4 hours.

I had called every one of my men in London, every international connection, just trying to get a group together to find her. 

I knew she wasn't safe.

After the disastrous FaceTime, Hazel stayed on to talk with her mother and Carlotta a bit more. Jacob and Nathan stormed off to their rooms, glaring at me. 

Gabby was sobbing and Rod was trying his best to console her. I ended up looking after her. She was now sleeping on my bed, tucked up in piles of blankets. Rod was trying to pin Anastasia's last known coordinates, and was so far unsuccessful.

It was like she'd disappeared off of the face of the earth. 

I hadn't cried so much in a long time.

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