How Did Astrid Arrive?

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Astrid's POV

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Astrid's POV

Charlie held my hand tightly as we lifted off the tarmac, away from Italy and straight to Australia. My head was still a bit sore from the flu I had caught a few days ago, which meant my ears were ringing as we left Italy. The stars were out and I smiled as I caught sight of the lights of the homes below us. Charlie pointed out some constellations above us and then he pointed to the big white circle in the sky, which I learnt was called the 'moon'.

"See how it's a large circle now? Well it changes all the time, getting smaller and bigger because of the sun," he whispered, trying to not wake Ana and Quinn who were sleeping in the seats behind us, their hands intertwined and their heads resting against each other.

I felt my own eyes closing, and Charlie chuckled, letting me rest my head on his arm. He kept on pointing out facts about the moon and the stars, and I fell asleep to the sounds of his strange accent.

~ flashback ~

It was dark and I could see the shapes of two men outside of my cell. 

One had an accent like me, and the other had a strange one I had never heard off before. He never said his t's, and when he walked into the light, I noticed the tan on his skin which definitely couldn't be from England.

"Mate it'll work, just let me take the girl use her as bait, then it'll go just as planned and the Hearts and Walkers will be eliminated," he said, taking a breath from a cigarette. The other man nodded, and they both started walking to my cell, before stopping.

"Now you sure this is the chick? I don't want some random girl in my car cause mate, I'm not willing to be jailed over the wrong chick," the strange man said, and the other man rolled his eyes.

"I assure you Marcus, the boss wants the girl in the cells, and these are the only cells here," he said rolling his eyes.

Marcus looked at him before they both stood outside my cell door, staring down at me. "This is the girl? Jeez, I thought Albert Walker had good genes, especially with the bird he landed with," Marcus coughed, and I raised my eyebrows in confusion but didn't speak.

The other man opened my cell and Marcus brought out a bag from behind his back. "Alright little lady be quiet or I'll make sure this fucking hurts ya little head," he sneered and I shrieked as he placed it over my body, lifting me up. I squirmed and kicked but it made no difference, it just agitated Marcus.

He slung the sack with me in it over his shoulder, and for a long amount of time, he walked, talking with the other man, whose name came to be Eric.

They laughed and I could smell the smoke from their cigarettes as they hopped into a car, throwing me into the backseat. I decided to get some rest in my cramped position, and after an hour of driving, I felt my legs being poked, but decided not to move.

"You sure she's breathing mate? She's not moving," Marcus said, poking me even harder this time. I cried out and heard the two men chuckle.

"She's just being a brat, thank god we're getting rid of her," Eric said, and they both laughed as the car bumped. I could now smell a new smell, something I had never smelt before as the car stopped, and Marcus lifted me up and slung me over his shoulder. 

He dropped me onto a hard surface and I whimpered as I felt the only non-brushed part of my body start to purple up. A loud noise broke me away from my thoughts as the surface started to rumble and move, and it moved very fast. 

After a few hours, we finally stopped, and once again I was picked up, but the top of the bag was slightly ripped, so I could see out. The air was warm and a bright circle in the sky was shining down on the house ahead of us. It was big with a large driveway leading up, and some fancy cars out the front.

Some lights were on upstairs on the second floor, and Marcus and Eric swore as they crept closer. Marcus fumbled with in his pocket and pulled out a key, trying his hardest to put it in the lock quietly. After using the lock, he pulled it away to reveal a glowing green square, which scanned his eye. 

The door opened and he smirked, creeping in with Eric. He placed me on the ground, still in the bag, and started talking quietly with Eric. They were discussing some sort of plan when I saw the light from down the hallway turn on, going unnoticed by both Eric and Marcus. 

"Aurora here will throw them all off," Eric sneered. 


They thought I was the other girl.

A head popped around the corner with a gun by his leg and I wriggled in the bag. Suddenly an alarm went off and the doors locked, causing Marcus and Eric to panic. People came down the stairs with guns cocked and cold faces. I started screaming and they all looked down at me in the bag for a split second.

"Shit!" Marcus yelled and he kicked me as the men and the lady glared at him. A girl whose face was shielded by her hair came running down the stairs, and the boy who I had first seen stood in front of her. One of the men nodded and I felt the bag being torn open, only to see the eye of my cousin, Julian.

"Astrid?" he exclaimed, along with the girl behind the man who I recognised to be Carlotta. Immediately tears of fear and joy streams down my face as Julian put his shirt on my naked body and lifted me away from Eric and Marcus. He carried me up the stairs and Carlotta followed, taking me to a bedroom and setting me down, rubbing my back.

"Astrid how on earth!?" Carlotta exclaimed, and I shook my head, clinging on to her. She cooed sweet words into my ear and petted my hair as my eyes closed. 

"We finally have you back," was the last thing she said before I nodded off.

~ end of flashback ~

I jolted awake and squinted as the sunrise hit me. Charlie moved beside me and opened his eyes looking around before relaxing as he saw me next to him. "You okay, topolina?" he asked, and I giggled.

"Yes I'm fine, it was just a dream about how I arrived," I said truthfully, looking into his brown eyes. His brow furrowed for a second as he remembered the state they had found me in but it disappeared as he ruffled my hair.

"All that matters is that you're here and you're with people who love you," he mumbled, pressing a kiss to my forehead. 

I smiled and snuggled into him as we flew over clouds, which looked pretty in the rising sunlight. 

Finally we were heading home.

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