Bound by Love

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Chapter 9


It was dark and rainy one night. Corky had came home late from work. She opened the door gently, flopped down on the couch, and looked around. She noticed the house was pretty quiet for a Friday night. Usually, Charlie and Charlotte would have game night with their friends. They would order pizza and hot wings and have a great old time. Corky figured that maybe the kids have other things to do. She sat on the couch still thinking about all of the drama that had happened in the past few months. Her cheating on Violet, Violet cheating on her. She still needed a way to tell Violet what had been going on. As she was sitting there on the couch, she heard the lock click. The front door opened. Violet walked in laughing her usual social laugh. Corky noticed there was a woman behind Violet. 'She looks familiar' Corky thought to herself. She then looked a little closer and realized it Sara. She got an instant scowl on her face. "Oh hey honey! I wasn't expecting you to be here," Violet said nervously. "Yea, I just got off work. Who's your friend there?," Corky said slyly. Violet looked a little more nervous. "Oh, um...this is Sara. She's a friend of mine." "Hmm, nice to meet you," Sara said with a snide look on her face. She offered Corky a handshake but Corky shrugged it away. "I was just about to cook dinner and I invited Sara to join! Um, would you mind staying for dinner?," asked Violet. Corky was hesitating. She didn't know whether or not to stay for dinner, go along with Violet's charade, or punch Sara in the face. "Sure," Corky grumbled. Violet looked a little relieved.


Violet cooked a small dinner. She made meatloaf, mash potatoes, peas and a strawberry cake for dessert. "Wow, I'm full!," sighed Violet. "Ugh, me too," Sara said rubbing her stomach. Corky sneered Sara a dirty look from the corner of her eye. She couldn't believe that Violet would invite that homewrecker to stay for dinner. She couldn't believe that Violet was acting so friendly towards someone who has slept with both of them. She couldn't believe that Violet was acting like nothing happened between her and Sara. To Violet's knowledge, she still doesn't know that Corky knows her and Sara slept together, and that Corky also slept with Sara. So why was she acting like this? It was a clear mystery to Corky. Later, Violet, Sara and Corky let their food digest by watching some TV. Corky really couldn't focus on the TV not only because of the thoughts running through her head, but the distant chattering that Violet and Sara were doing. It was driving Corky nuts. She wanted to kick that lady out of her and Violet's house and never see her again. But she knew she had to keep calm in order to make Violet think things were ok.


After Sara went home, Corky and Violet sat still on their couch. Violet's nervous demeanor had went away and she was acting like her usual self again. Corky looked over at Violet. She knew that now was the perfect time to confess everything. Now was the perfect time to come clean. She had it all planned out in her head. When suddenly, Violet bursted out and said, "Corky, I have something to tell you." Corky was kinda caught off guard. "What?," she asked sounding confused. "I have a confession," Violet said turning away. She started to tear up and Corky could hear the sadness come out in her voice. Violet faced Corky and grabbed her hands. She kissed her softly on the lips. She looked down then back up into Corky's chestnut colored eyes. "Corky, I love you so much. These past 18 years have been the best years of my life. We have two beautiful children and I couldn't have asked for a perfect family. But what I'm going to tell you may be shocking." Corky sat frozen in her spot. She knew Violet would eventually confess but not like this. She was waiting for Violet to say "I slept with Sara" so that she could react accordingly. She knew that it was coming. But what escaped from Violet's mouth that night fucked Corky up for the rest of her young life.


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