Bound by Love

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Chapter 6


Some days had went by. Corky and Violet's relationship was still a bit rocky. Ever since the night that Corky was about to tell Violet about her drunken affair with another woman, Violet was trying her hardest to figure out what was going on. Corky, on the other hand, had been trying to avoid it but at the same time, was trying to figure out a way to tell Violet. She knew if she would've been able to tell her what happened that night, Violet would've flipped her shit. But Corky doesn't want that. She wants Violet to understand that it was a mistake. And mistakes happen. This was going to be hard for Corky, but she knew she had to tell her somehow.


Corky came home early from work one night. She was going to finally sit Violet down and tell her what happened that day. When she walked into the house she noticed it was very still and quiet. 'Hmm..where is everyone?' She thought to herself. Usually when she came home, Violet would be in the kitchen making desserts while Charlie and Charlotte would be upstairs talking to their friends online. But not tonight. Corky walked up the stairs. Her heavy boots making them creak each time. She first opened up the door to Charlie's room. She saw that he wasn't in there so she shut his door. She then went across to Charlotte's room. She wasn't in her room either. She finally looked down the hall into her and Violet's bedroom. She saw the door was cracked just a tiny bit open. She could hear noises coming from their door. Grunting and moaning noises. 'What the fuck?' Corky thought. She creeped down the hall slow enough to where her boots made no noise. She peeped into the small crack. What she saw was unthinkable.


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