Bound by Love

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Chapter 11

All Good Things Must Come to an End

Charlie felt immediately disappointed when he saw Corky wrapped up in the blanket on the bed. He sat down next to her and hugged her. "Mama," he whispered. "Mama, what's wrong?" Corky could hear her son but she was too weak to answer. "Mama, tell me what's going on? Why are you here? Why haven't you been home?," Charlie asked sounding melancholic. Corky took a deep breath. She somehow found some strength and sat up on the bed. Charlie looked a little relieved. She wiped the tear that was rolling down her cheek. She took another deep breath. "Charlie...," she whispered silently. Charlie sat patiently waiting for her answer. "Charlie..I..I...," Corky whispered again. "What is it mama??," Charlie asked again. Corky looked away then got herself together. "Charlie...I'm seeing other.....people," Corky managed to breathe out. She then broke down into tears. Charlie was in shock. He jumped up off the bed. "What do you mean you guys are seeing other people? Are you guys getting a divorce?!," Charlie asked enraged with anger. Corky was still crying hysterically. She couldn't even get any words out to answer him. This was the first time that Charlie had ever seen Corky break down like this. "Why didn't Mom tell us? What the hell? I can't believe this is even happening right now.," Charlie said still very angry. He paced around the room for a while then sat back down next to Corky who was still crying hysterically. He hugged her very tight. He calmed down and wiped away Corky's tears. A few hours went by and Corky told Charlie everything that had went on. He looked into her big, brown eyes and kissed her on the cheek. "Mama, whatever happens I'm here for you. I can't believe this is still happening but like I said I'll be here for you and you only," Charlie said. Corky cracked a little smile, something that she hadn't done in almost a month. Charlie kissed Corky again on the cheek and left the hotel room. After Charlie left, Corky sat on the bed and started to cry even more.


Charlie returned home later that evening. He had a lot on his mind. He was very pissed off at Violet for just up and leaving Corky. Although Corky cheated, it was still kind of messed up for Violet to just break up with Corky and start a new relationship with Sara. He sat in his room thinking about everything Corky had told him. He wondered why it had to happen this way. As he was pondering through his thoughts, Violet knocked at his door. Charlie looked at the door and deeply frowned. She opened the door gently. As she was standing there, Charlie noticed that Violet didn't look like herself at all. She looked as if she had been crying. Her makeup was smeared. Sorrow was set deep into her eyes. She walked in and sat at the foot of Charlie's bed. She looked down at her hands. They both sat in silence for a good 5 minutes. Then, she put her hand on Charlie's knee and said very oddly, "You know, don't you?" Charlie sat up. He took a deep breath. His anger had calmed down and went into sadness. "Yes. I went to the hotel Mama has been staying at. She told me everything. Everything that you had done to her. And now you're with this Sara lady? Mom, do you even know her like you do Mama? Why do you want to divorce Mama and marry someone who you just met?" Violet looked back down in her hands. She was lost for words. She didn't know how to respond. Violet got back up and walked out. Didn't even answer Charlie's question. Didn't say not one word. Charlie laid back down on his bed. He couldn't believe what just happened.


A year passed. Corky and Violet got a divorce. Corky didn't want to get a divorce, but Violet still went ahead and did it. Luckily, Corky got custody of the kids and got to keep the house. Violet never found out that Corky slept with Sara and Sara never brought the story up. Corky and Violet did come together to celebrate the twins' 19th birthday. Both Charlie and Charlotte were happy to see their parents together in the same room. But oddly, on that same day, Sara and Violet announced they were having a baby. Everyone was happy for them except for Corky. She still couldn't believe that Violet would just run off and marry Sara after getting a divorce from her. And now that they were having a baby really messed with her. Eventually, things got better for Corky. She got a better paying job, Charlie and Charlotte graduated high school with high honors and were off to excellent colleges, and she even got a new girlfriend named Cheryl. She had the house all to herself and things couldn't be better. As for Violet, her and Sara welcomed their baby, a boy, on Violet's birthday. They named him Colin James. Their relationship had also become stronger since baby Colin entered the picture. Although Corky and Violet weren't married anymore, they agreed to be friends. Sara and Violet didn't live too far from Corky's house. They sometimes would invite Corky and Cheryl over for dinner and even when Charlie and Charlotte came home from college to visit, they would get together and have a big cookout. Corky still had some feelings for Violet but she never let it be known. She knew that even though they both cheated on each other and even though Violet was now with someone whom she also slept with, she knew that Violet was happier. She knew that not telling Violet everything that had went on helped. She may have gotten a divorce in the end, but at least she didn't have to deal with the hurt Violet would have been in if she did tell her. Corky figured that all good things must come to an end and she was glad that things didn't get any worse.

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