Bound by Love

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Chapter 5

Give a Little More

Weeks had went by since Corky had cheated on Violet. But in Corky's mind, the idea of her accidentally cheating on Violet was still fresh. She didn't want to tell Violet the truth about what happened that night but at the same time she wanted to. Since the incident had happened, their relationship had become very strained. Corky would just go to work, come home, eat and sleep. It was quite unusual to Violet because Corky usually was happy and after she came home from work sometimes she would order pizza and play video games and spend time with the kids. But now, she just wanted to be alone.


Violet was sitting on her and Corky's bed. She was still wondering why Corky had been acting so strange. 'What is going on with her?' she thought. 'I'm gonna have to break her and see what's wrong.' Hours later, Corky strolled in from work as usual and started to act the way she had been acting the past few weeks. Quiet, barely talking, and not even smiling. She took off her jacket and flopped down on the couch. She picked up her phone and saw that she got a text from Violet saying "Come upstairs." 'Great, what does she want?' thought Corky. Corky went up the stairs into their bedroom and there was Violet straddled across the bed in lingerie. Her long, brown hair was laid to one side, masking just a part of her curvy figure. Corky couldn't even believe what was going on. "What are doing, Vi?" Corky asked. "Well, I figured maybe you needed some pleasure. I've been noticing that you have been so uptight lately." She swung her hair. She then got off the bed and stroked Corky's boob. Corky looked down, then back at her wife. "Vi, you don't know what I've been going through. If I were to tell you, you just wouldn't understand." That sentence right there instantly killed Violet's mood. Violet sat down on the bed quickly. "What are you talking about? What happened to you that day? Why won't you tell me?" Corky sat down next to her. "Well..," she murmured. "Well..what?!," said Violet a little angrily. "Vi, it's just..," Corky stammered. Her eyes began to water. This was it. She was finally gonna tell Violet about the incident. She was gonna finally get it off her chest. When suddenly, Charlotte burst into their room. "MOM! MOM! You need to-oh what the??" Violet quickly covered up and Corky veered at Charlotte. "Oh did I interrupt something here?" Violet smiled and said "Yes, sorta sweetness." "Oh sorry!," chuckled Charlotte.


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