Bound by Love

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Chapter 10

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

Violet and Corky were sitting on the couch. Violet was holding Corky's hands. She was shaking. Trembling to the point where she couldn't even look Corky straight in the eyes. "What are you going to tell me?," Corky asked looking slightly surprised. Violet looked away. The tears were streaming down her face. She was still trembling really badly. She then straightened up and wiped the tear streaks. "Corky, I cheated on you. I cheated on you with Sara. I didn't know what I was thinking and I'm truly sorry." Corky pretended to look astonished even though she already knew what Violet just told her. Corky looked away from Violet to let her know she was disappointed. But Violet was not finished. Violet had one more thing to get off her chest. She got up and walked towards the door. She went to unlock the dead bolt. Corky looked confused as to why Violet was suddenly at the door. Violet then smirked and said, "She felt good. I love you Corky, but I think it's time we see other people." Corky got instantly angry. "What the fuck are you talking about, Vi? Are you just gonna leave me and the kids for this bitch? Someone you don't even fucking know?," Corky said enraged in anger. Violet opened the front door. She looked up at the moon. She then turned towards Corky. "I know what I'm doing. I'm more in love with Sara than I am with you. Ever since you began to act strange and ever since you basically ditched me and the kids to go do God knows what on the day we were supposed to tell them our past, I knew I just couldn't deal with you anymore. I want to start my life over with Sara. I want to start a family with her, live with her, and love her. We have such a strong connection. Plus, the sex is good. I'm sorry Corky, but I'm leaving you." Violet then closed the door, got in her car, and drove off. Corky sat speechless on the couch. She couldn't believe that Violet, someone who was once her true love, left her for someone who she also had an affair with.


A few weeks passed. Charlie was starting to worry a lot about Corky. She hadn't called or texted him in almost a month. Corky was very important to Charlie. He knew he had to see what was up with her. He found out from Charlotte that Corky had been staying in a hotel nearby. He asked Charlotte how she knew that information. She responded by eerily saying "Mama will tell you." Charlie sort of got freaked out about her comment, but he proceeded to visit the hotel. The hotel was like any other hotel. Quiet and kinda cozy. It had a very old grandmother type of feel. Pictures of flowers and paintings of vast scenery were spread amongst the walls. Charlie approached the desk attendant and asked for Corky. He explained to her that he was Corky's son and it was important that he saw her. The attendant looked a little skeptical but agreed to tell Charlie where Corky was. "The room number is 231. Here's a spare key. It's gonna be right down that hall to the left," the attendant said a little bitter. "Thanks," Charlie said. Charlie walked slowly down the hall. He was feeling really nervous for some reason. His palms began to sweat. He felt like he was losing his balance. He didn't know what to expect. He finally reached her hotel room and put the key in the lock. He gently opened the door. He saw Corky in her lowest moments. Corky was lying on her side in bed. She had the cover over her head. She had been crying. Charlie approached the bed very slowly. "Mama," he whispered in a worried voice. "Mama, are...are you ok?" Corky laid very still. She could hear her son but didn't have the voice to respond to him.


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