Bound by Love

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Chapter 3


Morning had come. The sun was shining so beautifully. Not a single cloud in the sky. Corky and Violet were both still sleeping. Corky with her arms wrapped around Violet's curvaceous waist. Violet with her fingers twined into Corky's short, soft hair. Both of them feeling good about their decisions last night. The alarmed beeped. "BEEP!BEEP! BEEP!" Corky rolled over and threw the alarm against the wall. She looked over to see that Violet was still sleeping peacefully like an angel. "Sleep tight, love," Corky whispered. She kissed Violet then went to go get ready for work. After getting dressed, she went to go make her usual coffee and read the newspaper. Charlotte had came downstairs to eat a pop-tart. "Morning, babe," said Corky. "Oh!," said Charlotte a little startled. "You scared me, Mama!" Corky threw her head back and laughed. "Hahaha! I didn't mean to scare ya. Have a seat. Let's chat for a second." Charlotte, looking confuzzled, sat down. "Now listen, Char. Me and Vi have some things to tell you and Charlie. It's nothing too serious. Just some family stuff. You understand?" Charlotte nods her head as she takes a bite out of her pop-tart. "Alrighty. That's all I had wanted. I'm about to go to work. I'll see ya when I get home." "Ok," said Charlotte, chewing the rest of her pop-tart. Corky then headed towards the door. She turned around, smiled at Charlotte and said, "Oh. And I love ya kiddo." Charlotte looked up. But before she could say "I love you" back, Corky had already shut the door.


Violet had eventually woken up to see that Corky was already gone to work. She then proceeded to take a shower and got dressed. She was applying her makeup when she noticed that Charlie was standing in her doorway. "Oh hey Charlie! What's up?" Charlie just stood there. Glaring at her with hate in his eyes. "Are you ok, baby?" "No," he said sternly. Violet's smile instantly went away. "Ok..what's wrong?" Charlie walked over and sat on Corky and Violet's bed. He looked down at his hands. "Mom, we need to finish our conversation we were having from a few days ago." Violet put down her makeup compact. She turned around from her dresser. She took a deep breath. Then stared into Charlie's deep brown eyes. "Yea about that, and Corky are gonna talk about it when she gets home from work." Charlie looks a little relieved. His body language changed from intense anger to slight happiness. He's happy that Violet was finally giving him want he wanted. He stood up and went to hug Violet. "I'm sorry if I've been giving you the cold shoulder, Mom. I just wanted to know what was so important." "It's ok baby. I understand," said Violet. He then walked out of the room but before he went towards his room, he came back and hugged Violet again and said "I love you." Violet got all teary eyed and told him she loved him back. He then walked towards his room with a smile on his face. Violet finished applying her makeup and went out for the day.


Nightfall had come and Corky still wasn't home from work. 'Where is she?' Thought Violet. 'She was supposed to be here at 9:30.' Violet paced around her and Corky's bedroom. She sat down on the bed. Then got up and then sat back down. So many thoughts were going through her head. Had she stopped somewhere and forgotten the time? Did she have an accident? So many thoughts happening so fast. Time had passed and Violet, still in her full makeup and dress, had fallen asleep. Corky, being the daring dame that she is, had went out to a bar called McHookers with her coworker named Janet. Corky knew that her and Violet were supposed to have the talk with Charlie and Charlotte. But she didn't care. Violet had blew up Corky's phone asking where she was. Asking over and over via text message "Where are you? Can you call me? Please? I'm worried." The only thing Corky did was ignore them and take huge swigs of her beer.

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