Bound by Love

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Chapter 8

The Truth

Corky and Charlie were sitting on the couch. Corky was ready to tell Charlie about what had been happening the past month or so. "Mama, what is it? Please tell me," Charlie pleaded. Corky couldn't stand it any more. She had to get it off her chest. She sighed. "Charlie, I-I...I cheated on Vi." Charlie looked at Corky in digust. "You what????? MAMA! HOW COULD YOU??," Charlie said enraged. "Charlie, you don't understand. I didn't mean to cheat on her. I was drunk and-" "YOU KNEW EXACTLY WHAT YOU WERE DOING! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THAT FUCKING BULLSHIT!," Charlie shouted. Corky jumped up off the couch. "Hey! Watch your fucking mouth! Now you listen to me. I didn't purposely cheat on your mother. Ok? It was an accident. I was drunk and I couldn't control my fucking actions," Corky yelled back at Charlie. Charlie was still sitting on the couch. He was very angry and Corky could see that he was about to cry. Corky calmed down a little. "Listen Charlie, I know I messed up. I love your mother very much. I wanted to tell her, but I just couldn't find it in my heart to do it. I've been thinking a lot about this. It's tearing me up inside." Corky sat back down on the couch next to Charlie and wrapped her arm around him. Charlie stiffened up a little but relaxed. "This will be our little secret," Corky whispered to Charlie. Charlie was in tears. He rested his head on Corky's shoulder. "Are you ever gonna tell Mom?," Charlie asked wiping away his tears. "I don't know, Charlie. I just don't know."


It was late one night. The house was still and quiet. Charlie and Charlotte had went out with their friends. Corky was back at the hotel she had been staying at for the past week. Violet had the entire house to herself. She laid still on her side on her and Corky's bed. She looked over at the empty space where Corky used to lay. She thought about all the times that her and Corky had spent together. Some good, some bad. She thought about what she had did the other day. She felt bad but at the same time, it was something that she needed. Her and Corky hadn't had sex since Corky had started acting weird. She needed and wanted pleasure. Violet knew that it would be wrong to cheat on Corky, but she couldn't resist her urges. As she laid there in bed, she began to cry. She didn't know how to tell Corky. She knew it would kill her. It was going to be tough. But she had to tell her somehow. Violet's phone lit up on her night stand. It was a text from Sara. It read "Hey baby. I miss you. Can I come over?" Violet looked at it but didn't respond. She didn't know what to say.


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