Bound by Love

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Chapter 4


The next day had come. Corky had still not come home. The sun was shining bright in Corky and Violet's bedroom. Violet slowly opened her eyes, only to discover that she was not looking at Corky's peaceful face asleep. She turned on her side and started to look at her and Corky's wedding pictures and pictures of Charlie and Charlotte when they were babies. She never felt so hurt and alone in her life. Thoughts kept wandering through her head. 'Where is she?' 'It's strange for her to not come home.' Violet eventually got up and made breakfast. She sat down at the kitchen table. She looked like a zombie. Charlie had finally gotten up. He went downstairs looking forward to his breakfast until he looked over and saw his mother staring blankly at the empty chair next to her. "Mom..are you ok?", said Charlie in a calming voice. Violet just kept staring at the chair. "Mom? Did you hear me? Are you ok??!" said Charlie in a more stern voice. Violet turned and looked at Charlie. She bursted into tears. "Mom! What's wrong?", said Charlie again. Violet was sobbing too hard to even respond.


Corky was awoken by a deep, loud snore. She noticed that she was not home. She looked around to see that this wasn't her bedroom. A woman was laying next to her gently snoring. 'What the?' she thought. This woman was not Violet. She knew Violet didn't snore. 'Who could it be? How did I get here?' she thought. She looked over at the time. It was 12:30 in the afternoon. Corky got up gently out of the bed. She struggled trying to put her work clothes on and her steel toed boots kept clunking up against the bed. She tried not to make a lot of noise, but somehow the woman's cat jumped up on the bed and started to meow ferociously. "Ok..ok..Thomas," moaned the woman. 'SHIT!' thought Corky. She tried to run away before the woman rolled over, but it was too late. "Hey you! Where are you going?," said the woman. "Uh...home," said Corky. "Well you can't leave without giving me a little something!," said the woman seductively. "What the fuck are you talking about?" Corky said angrily. "Oh come on, Corks! You know you wanna hit this one last time!," said the woman. Corky looked at the woman in disgust. "I don't even know you! I have a wife and two kids! What is your name?? How did I even end up here??!," Corky said even more angrier than before. "Oh..sorry. No need for the snarkiness," murmured the woman. "Ok. My name is Sara. We met at McHookers last night. You were drunk off your ass. You flirted with me the entire night and well.." "Well??," said Corky still in disgust. "I invited you back here and we...did the do." "Are you fucking kidding me???!?!?!," Corky shouted angrily. "I know I would never cheat on my fucking wife! I love her too much to even do that! YOU'RE FUCKING LYING!" "Honey, why would I lie? You told me you didn't have a wife! I know what happened last night. I was there. And you were so good in bed." Corky nearly slapped Sara, but she somehow got herself to calm down. She started to head towards the door in the living room. "Where are you going, Corks? Are you gonna tap my ass again?," snickered Sara from her bedroom. Corky sneered and turned around and said "No! Fuck you!" She paused. "And don't fucking call me Corks!" She walked out, slammed the door, got in her truck and drove off as fast as she could. Tears were streaming down her face. She couldn't believe that she may had drunkenly cheated on Violet. She loved her so much and she knew she had fucked up. She pulled over on a side street. She broke down even more. She didn't know how she was going to explain this to Violet.


The summer night was bright. It was filled with stars dwindling and the moon was shining like no other. Violet was upstairs lying in bed. Charlie was laying next to her, playing with her hair. "Mom, I hope Mama is ok," Charlie whispered. "I'm sure she is sweetheart. We just have to wait," Violet whispered back. They stayed silent for about 3 minutes. Suddenly, they heard the front door creak open and shut. Violet looked at Charlie and said with a glee, "You hear that??" "Yea, it may be Mama!," responded Charlie a little excited. They both jumped up and ran down the stairs. And well low and behold, Corky had come home. "CORKY!" "MAMA!" Charlie and Violet shouted at the same time. "Hey," said Corky in a weak voice. "I've been worried sick about you! Where have you been? I called your phone like 45 times! What happened?," asked Violet. Corky looked at her. She still had a lot of sorrow in her eyes. Corky flopped down on their couch. Then tears had began to roll down her face again. "Oh no! Sweetie, what's wrong?" Violet asked. "Mama, are you ok??," asked Charlie. Corky was choked up with emotion. She knew that if she told Violet and Charlie the truth, it would ruin their marriage and ruin the mother son relationship she had with Charlie. Violet sat down on the couch. She hugged Corky very tightly and kissed her on the lips. Charlie bent down and hugged both of his mothers. They sat in silence for the rest of the night.

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