Bound by Love

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Chapter 2

Almost there.

A few days had went by. Corky was still angry at Violet. They didn't talk or look at each other for six days. Corky would come home from work and not even acknowledge Violet's appearance. Charlie instantly noticed that something was wrong. One night when Corky was working late, Charlie had the chance to talk to his other mother in private. "Mom, what's going on between you and Mama?" Violet sat down on her bed. She looked at the clock, then the floor, then looked at her son. "Charlie, it''s really hard to explain." "What's hard to explain Mom?" "I-I, I just, well," stuttered Violet. "Mom, just tell me please. You know I hate to see you two fight or be mad at each other." Charlie placed his hand into Violet's hand. He stared deeply into her eyes. "Please, Mom. I love you." Violet was in tears. This was the first time, since Charlie was kid, to say that he loved her. She always felt like he liked Corky a little bit more than he did her. "Ok," said Violet, wiping away her tears. "The truth is..," Violet stopped herself. She hears Corky turning the locks and opening the front door. "Shit!" Violet says angrily. "Mom, what were you gonna say?" "I'll tell you later Charlie." "Later? Just tell me now!" Shouts Charlie. "I said later now go!" Charlie got up and glared the meanest glare any person could have ever done. He then stormed out of Corky and Violet's bedroom and slammed the door to his room. Violet laid down on her bed. Tears streamed down her face.


Corky was downstairs in the living room where she had been sleeping for the past few days. She had a lot on her mind. There was an interesting tv show that was playing in the background but it wasn't getting her attention. She kept thinking about the conversation that she had with Violet a few days ago about telling their kids the real truth and story about how they got here. 'How am I gonna tell them?' She thought. 'What can I do?' While she was sitting there pondering through her thoughts, she didn't notice that Violet was sitting on the stairs. Violet slowly walked down each step and approached Corky. Corky looked up and saw Violet's big, brown eyes focused on her. "I've been thinking, Corky. I've been thinking about you and a lot of things lately." "Oh, really?," said Corky, giving Violet a sarcastic look. "I've been thinking too." "Look, I know it's gonna be hard to tell them the truth, but we need to be together with this. We need to just sit down and talk to them." Corky started to scowl at the idea but then her scowl turned into a smirk. "Ok, babe. I know I've been a bitch lately about all of this. But if this is what you wanna do, I'm ok with it." "Thanks, doll. I'm happy we're finally doing this.," said Violet smiling. Corky got up from the couch and grabbed Violet. She swung her around then, being smooth as fuck, kissed her on the lips and her neck. "Let's go upstairs," whispered Violet. They kissed again. Corky picked up Violet and carried her up to their bedroom. What happened afterwards, was pretty exciting.

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